12- Orphic Disbelief ✓

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❝ As much as he tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from his throat in the form of a silent scream. ❞

"You hugged me? " he wore a puzzled expression. his mind was still a surging perplexity.

He doesn't remember. And it was excepted.

Suffering from dissociative disorders leads to the loss of memory and especially short-term memory.

"Yes. I hugged you and you let me do it, I was wrapping you in my warm chest and arms. You didn't want to leave. You sobbed into my chest unceasingly, hands clutching at my jacket. I held you in silence, rocking you slowly as your tears soaked my chest don't tell me that you don't remember this??"

From where she got this energy to talk back to him?

The memory of the last day is still fresh in her mind, she couldn't forget it, and she remembers his sobbing very well. It was the sound of a heartbreaking, before he collapsed, his howls of misery worsening.

The pain must have come to him in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling his back into the outstretched arms of his grief.

She wishes she could extend the day just so he could stay close to him for longer, safe in his embrace. Her arms wrapped right around him brought a peace he'd never known before, calming the storms in his heart and hers.

She thought it was him that gave her hope for the future. In his embrace, she started to believe that there was nothing out there to fear, that all there was sunshine.

She loved to touch him - never in a sexual way, never anywhere other than his face, his hands, and his obsidian hair that fell in tousled locks.

he has never cried before, at least no one sees him crying, it was the first time.

"Don't deny it, Jungkook, " she said whilst her eyes narrowed as the man continued taunting her.

"Can't you just let me be ?" he asked, tightening his long fingers through his hair.

The girl looked unimpressed.

A cruel sneer formed on her smooth face and she leaned forward, eyes peering straight into hers.

"Why? Because your heart and mind don't accept reality "

I know that I'm talking to Jungkook now, not Ink.

His hands twitched and he could feel a vein pulsing in his forehead.


White knuckles from clenching his fist too hard, and gritted teeth from the effort to remain silent, his hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid-burning, slicing, potent.

His face was red with suppressed rage.

He was looking at her, she was looking into his angry eyes.

Those angry eyes were his pain untold, and she wished he would tell it. She wanted to ever see his kind eyes, the ones that are his home. Because she wanted to stay with him, but he had to be good to her too.

Right ??

The way he glared at her reminded him of a pit viper's slit-like pupils. She gulped nervously. A burning animosity was developing in his amber orbs, and she could tell she was likely the root cause of the problem.

He was angry. The idea of his own body doing something, letting her hug him, brought him sickness.

He hated her.

He hated himself.

He hated being powerless and not being able to control himself.

She never expected him to react this way. her plan worked somehow. It was hard to completely understand someone trapped in this situation. It must be crazy.

"Just give me that fucking drug and fuck off" He whispered as he pulled himself away from her. His words made her eyes go bigger. She didn't expect him to know that what was injected into him was not the medicine.

"Did you expect me to believe your little trick? by using water? " It was obvious to him that it was a liquid other than the medicine. He didn't feel any calm after she injects it through his veins.

It was strange.

"Are you sure you want that when you aren't even aware of what can happen to you ??" she said looking into his dark eyes that made her feel as if he can see through her. that he could see all her thoughts, emotions,s and desires.

"Why would you care anyway? " he threw another glance at her.

"And I don't care," he added.

"Maybe you don't care but I do you don't know what the effects of this shit on you "

"No, the only thing that I know is that I still want it. It's the only way to stop the voices in my head from screaming, the only way so he can not go out and kill people. And yes,  I still want to be their little toy to play with. And I have a problem with that "

"Still, I won't give it to you, " she added.

"Okay just don't regret it later stupid " He glared at her, scoffing at her.


✓ ORPHIC INK | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now