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❝I touch the letter as if you could step through the page and into my arms, and in away, with your words, you do❞

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I touch the letter as if you could step through the page and into my arms, and in away, with your words, you do❞

I'll leave those few words for you, hoping that you will find them one day.


Y/n sat up, the letter lying on her chest falls into her lap, opening to a random page, his brown eyes quickly glance down at it but she uses a slender index to shut it, his eyes advert elsewhere.

The small letter feels heavy lying on her thighs, a heartfelt letter is secretly hidden inside, the first of possibly many to come, too vulnerable to be exposed to curious eyes.

The only thing surprising here was that she had actually managed to sleep, after all, the
months of not having a blink of sleep, it was surprising to hear that she managed to sleep, even it was for a couple of minutes.

She holds the letter to her face as if the ink carried his heartbeat, taking in the aroma that lingers from his touch.

Y/n use the sleeve of her sweater to rub her eyes before opening her drawer slipping the letter inside, safe from all the wandering eyes.

"I can't look. What does it say?" y/n asked once she finished pacing back and forth. Her heart was thumping so powerfully in her chest, she was sure her brother could hear it.

Biting down on her lip wasn't enough to calm the thoughts running wild in her mind.

Jin looked down at the results, confused and stunned by what was in front of him.

y/n's brows pulled together at the remark that fell from Jin's face. It wasn't
enough to either end the curiosity pounding at her mind. All it did was leave the hairs on the nape of her neck to stand up at attention.

Jin handed the test over to Y/n.

Her heart immediately fell to the floor at the sight of the two-line shown on the little
screen to the pregnancy test.

Two red lines appeared on the tiny stick.

Pregnant written across the little screen. She had to check only to check again in order to make sure that she hadn't misread the test.

However, no matter how many times she rinsed out her eyes to make sure she wasn't
just seeing things, the test was always the same positive.

Her hands started to shake. She felt her heart thumping in her chest fighting to jump out.

Her breath hitched in her throat, nothing came out. She was pregnant with his child.

The last stick dropped on the hotel's bathroom floor alongside her body as her
knees finally gave up. Teardrops fell down her cheeks.

She had a baby growing inside of her. A new innocent life, their child.

She felt all kinds of feelings rushing through her vein in full force making her head dizzy,
eyes blurry and suddenly she wanted to throw up to get rid of the nerve.

"What do I do?" Y/n found herself asking.

"It's your choice to make, but the thing that you must know is that you have to tell the father" Jin voiced hoping all the better for his sister.

y/n knew he was right, but she couldn't end the battle of doubt that began to surface
in her mentality. Jungkook was a sick man, and he was candid about everything
including the way things would make him feel. It would tear her apart if he ever came
close to not wanting her and the baby in a way that was sealed forever.

What the fuck was she supposed to do? I could barely take care of myself let alone a child.

She was scared.

The father of the child is in rehab.

She didn't know when he will be out.

When he will be stable-minded? When he will be free from his demons?

It was hectic.

And then what? A child if a psychopath? What if his abnormality was transferred to her child?

There was a probability of happening.

But she had to tell him. Otherwise, the blame will be all on her.

but how she can inform him while he was in rehab, trying to get sane? and moreover, he was not allowed any visits.

"The only hope I have is to send him a letter, and I hope he will read it and respond" Y/n declared.

Jin nodded his head as the corner of his lips lifted up into a reassuring smile. "It will be alright sis, and remember that we are all here with you"

Dear Jungkook,

     I can't write this letter.

I've tried several times, but hours turn into restless days.

You really were the soul made for me yet when I met you, you were not mine. You were my patient and it was dreadful.

I still remember our first kiss.

The kiss was a dream because you kissed me back. Our lips moved together so evenly, so full of teases and future promises meant to be broken as our eyes closed. You gripped my flannel in your hand, bringing me closer as my hand stayed on top of yours that was balled into a fist. 

The kiss we shared made me feel like I would never have you, ever again, it left a bad aftertaste.

But I was wrong.

I hope that you remember our memories but my favorite moments with you include us laying on my bed, and you cuddling into my neck, kissing me slowly.

You playing with my hair whilst sitting on your lap, my strands running through your
fingers as we stared at each other. 

You knew that I hate secrets.

That's why you left me the journal. 

I know you are not that dumb to leave your secrets behind, to me.

And I thank you for doing so, I really appreciate you sharing your dark secrets with me, at least some of them. the secrets that I needed to know.

I confessed that night that I love you. And I knew it would be complicated for you. I used to hate myself for hoping for something more from you, for hoping we could be something, and maybe we will. And I guess I still stupidly hope for you to come back to me.

Come back to us.

You left. But you left apart from you in me, a little hope in the dark. I will keep this featus, and I will raise him or her. Even if my fate will be a single mother, a single parent. I don't mind at all.

Consider this child as a cure for you, your new medicine. 

The only wish that I have right now, is to get a response to this letter. 

yours truly.



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