26- Orphic fantasy

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❝ Siren ❞

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As he lay in his hard bed this morning, he was actually dread going to his session this morning. He can't put her in this position, and he can't even put that much trust in the hands of someone he barely knows. He means just look at how she reacted when he brushed her thigh.

But that split second when she did nothing.

She was fighting the urge to give in to the temptation, much like he's.

He really hopes he's right about her because if not, when he goes in there in a few minutes.

He has done so many terrible things to people in his life, some of them being innocent. But the thought of hurting her is unbearable. The effect she has on him honestly scares me. He's never felt this way about anyone.

"Come on Ink, time to go." The guard says. he hadn't even noticed them nearing his cell. He was too indulged in his thoughts.

He stands up and they cuff his hands in front of him, just like they do anytime they go anywhere.

He has memorized the halls of this place, well at least the halls from his cell, the lounge, and y/n's office, anyway.

As we walked, he continued to think about her.

"Come on in!" She yells like she does every day when they come here. Her voice is so soft, she looks over at him hesitantly and smiles sheepishly.

"What?" She asks and her cheeks flush. It is more noticeable that she's embarrassed when she isn't wearing any makeup.

He liked it.

"Nothing. You're just really beautiful." He said honestly and her big eyes widened. She cleared her throat and fliped through his file.

"Let's remain professional, Mr. Jeon," She said and he smirked.

"You're the professional, not me. I'm free to say whatever I want." He speaks and he can practically feel her heart rate pick up.

She stayed quiet for a moment.

Calm before the storm, they say.

He wondered what she was thinking about. If it's anything like what he was thinking about. Although he tried not to, sometimes he couldn't help but think about her body.

He was imagining touching her. Feeling her warm skin beneath his fingertips and the electricity her body gives off, electrifying him. imagining how perfect her body would fit him. Her lips brushed against his skin.

If just the thought of her can make him feel like this he can't even begin to imagine what it would actually feel like to live his thoughts.

Just his imagination.

His fantasy.


In his abnormal fantasy.

His fucked up mind and thoughts.

His fantasy will come to an end soon, and he knows it.

Because of his abnormal mind.

"So, tell me about your family and your friends before you get arrested, jungkook?"

With those words leaving her innocent mouth, Jungkook's eyes darkened more.

"There's nothing you should know, " he muttered.

" But I think, as you should too, Jungkook, " y/n says as she knows well that this session will not end well. But it was cute to find his problems and solve them l. It was obvious for her to notice that his family has a big negative effect on him and his past. She was sure of it, from not having anyone to visit him in his prison or even check on him. She wonders what happened to them.

Jungkook kept his silence for himself as she continued "You should help me to cure you, you should not keep yourself trapped in your dark past, you've to trust me-" before she could continue his hand came down on hers. One of the chains lays against her wrist, heavy and cold.

her mouth was dry and her tongue was swollen. Sorrow, pain, and fear weighed her down. she needed to breathe! she couldn't breathe! her body was paralyzed.

she was drowning, but not in an ocean or a river, or even a pond. she's drowning, and panicking, in the dark and endless abyss that stood in front of her.

She was so screwed.

" You know, you're so beautiful to be trusted and get into my shitty life," He murmurs roughly. "I hope you'll never put your sexy ass in my shits again miss y/n "he growled before letting his hands stroking her neck shocking her with one arm.

Y/n on the other hand, couldn't be more nervous than ever but managed to not show it to him. Because now she was more than sure that his past was his dark shadow in his mind.

"what? You'll kill me ? " she mumbled under her breath, smirking at him as he looked back at her with a shocked face for a second before he darkened his eyes more than before.

"You can not " she spoke as he growled back " I can " was his honest response.

"Do it then, what are you waiting for huh ?"

"I will slide you through-" before he can say more, the door was being opened by Jimin who was running towards the two lifting jungkook back from y/n, as she has difficulty in breathing, gasping for air.

Jimin knew that having sessions out of the cells would lead to many unwanted things. But with having the beautiful y/n insisting, he couldn't refuse.

"Lucky you, your little hero came in time " he spoke in sarcasm, eying Jimin as he helped y/n to drink some water, which made Jungkook feel weird and angry inside before he let a guard walk him out of the office.

But she couldn't keep asking herself; Why is his voice so alluring? luring all the broken-hearted to his world.

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