4-Orphic Confusion ✓

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❝just staring ❞

A smile flashed across his face from beneath the reems of hair. It created slight dimples and creases that moved his freckles. Even though it was gone quickly, it was still there.

He dipped his head down. Casting his eyes to the side, she could see the shape of his face like a silhouette.

It gracefully moved up and over his cheekbones and slanted sharply at his mouth.

"I advise you to stop staring miss, it will hurt your eyes "

"Very bad, " he assured her.

If someone was there, he would say that his eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you, they will take from you your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul.

His eyes will erase your soul feelings.

When y/n didn't respond, he just got up from the ground and sat down on the bed which was in front of her.

A beep sound was heard, indicating that someone was logging into the code. And when the silver door was opened. It revealed Yoongi and Dr.Jimin " it's time for you to take your medicine" Dr. Jimin spoke.

y/n's eyes searched for the boy again her heart jumped in her throat seeing his cold eyes and empty eyes again staring straight nodding at Jimin.

"How can he live here? Where No handle, no way out. Four concrete walls, a linoleum floor, with a bare mattress with a small bed "

She had a sudden urge to protect him, still remembering what Namjoom told her before.

"All I was informed with is that he was been caught near a lifeless woman, with a knife in his hold, but he was sleeping after the doctors examined the victim, they said that they were tortured to her death, the first time he was investigated, he didn't utter a word he was just staring at the detectives, the second time, he admitted all his kills smiling at us, he even explains the details of his crimes with so much enjoyment. He's a monster. The only thing we can do is to keep him under the control of the medicine"

"How old is he?"

"29 years old" he responded

"What about his family?"

"No one came to visit him. I guess he has no one "

Her mind couldn't forget those piercing eyes. She couldn't get them out of her mind. The way he stared at her the first time they met he could actually see everything through her and then smiled.

Jimin prepared the injection under her wide eyes and parted lips. Jungkook watched Jimin coldly as he injected the thing in his arm, not flinching a bit.

he felt nothing, as always.

All this time their eyes were locked like they wanted to dive deeply into each other's souls.

His expression was unreadable even if he had a needle stuck in his arm. He wasn't blinking.

"Well done Jungkook, such a good boy " Jimin praised him as he removed the string. Then running his fingers through his dark hair.

A good boy.

"Now look here. She's Kim y/n. She will take care of you from now on, ''Jungkook nodded his head, not muttering a word.

Jimin responded with a smile appearing on his face before he started speaking "I will leave you two alone, I think that you will get along with him without me y/n " he said before leaving the two alone.

But the voice of y/n interpreted Jimin before he went out. "Dr.Jimin, can you give all the information about the medicine you use on my patient, please? I'd like to study their effect on him"

Jimin was taken aback by her request, but all he could do was nod his head. She has all the right to ask about anything related to Jungkook.

Y/n stared into Jungkook 's eyes, determined not to look away first. He was certain that she knew he was trying to hide something, but still, he was determined to fool her. He contorted his lips into an awkward, toothy smile, but his cheeks were not so compromising.

" You have to go back from where you came miss y/n, take this advice if you love being alive "


She didn't respond.

The silence was poison to him, for in that void of sound the shallowness of this conversation was laid.

There was a seriousness about her that unnerved him.

She's just looking at him, she loves looking at him, into him, before he closed his eyes, choosing to lay on the cold bed saying;

"It's for your good sake"

Her soft spot was telling her, yes, but her selfish side was telling otherwise.

She was sure as hell, that she didn't want to sacrifice for her life being his therapist, but strangely at the thought of Jungkook, not just his dark eyes and tousled, black hair that framed his strong features, but the way he was looking at hers, it's like they were screaming for her help.

And he was good at masking it.

✓ ORPHIC INK | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now