29-Orphic Sun and Moon

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Next day

The sun rose, and Jungkook wasn't awake yet, time passed as he kept himself asleep from the world.

In CCTV's room, Y/n looked at him as he slept peacefully, chains knocking his ankles as always, her nails were already bitten down to the quick. She nibbled at their frayed, form edges like a famished mouse.

It was now a usual sigh for her.

The results of the laboratory were out. Dr. Martinez had emailed her the results the day before.

The injection contained an amount of Methamphetamine. It's highly addictive.

And repeated meth use can also lead to aggressive or violent behavior and mood disturbances, including depression and bipolar disorder.

This was the case of Jungkook, he was under its effect for a long time now.

Adding to the list, the dose contained a type of drug called Benzodiazepines and ketamine.

Benzodiazepines are often prescribed to help people sleep, or to help with anxiety. They do work well for this purpose, but they are habit-forming and have been associated with developing dementia.

For more on the risks of benzodiazepines, these drugs should always be tapered, under medical supervision.

And Ketamine was used for his Bipolar Disorder.

But it's primarily illegal to use it.

"Fuck this" y/n cursed under her breath, as she looked at the results of analyse for the n time.

She sighed. She shifted her gaze to the monitors. Y/n noticed struggling in Jungkook's sleep while his lips began to move with eyes closed made her wonder what was happening to him.

Just as some minutes passed, she made herself in the cell. She felt like the floor will give out under her tiny body mass.

Every step is so light that she makes no sound at all. She is so afraid yet still she comes, walking softly forwards.

She approaches him as she begins whispering his name lightly, but she couldn't manage to wake him up.

Soon his skin was as the surface of a boiling stew. Beneath the thin skin bubbled toxins, the pains of his past leaving his blood, seeking release. And so it was. One by one the bubbles burst as easily as pimples.

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