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Read until the end ;) there's an author note along with some facts abt the characters of the book. And btw I thank you a lot for your votes and beautiful comments. It really makes me happy ❤.


"Love hurts" is the biggest lie out there. Love heals, love makes people whole again and love fills them with the goodness they need to be as kind and loving as their Creator intended. What hurts is betrayal, thoughtlessness, uncaring attitudes and careless gossip. What hurts is people being unfriendly, not welcoming a new person to neighbourhood or making "exclusive" cliques that are defined by who is "not welcome." What hurts is bullying, harassment, selfishness and greed.

Love on the other hand is the greatest gift mankind ever received, a gift that lives on within us all. Love is a gift that needs nurturing - it is the truth within us that knows life cannot be given a price tag.

Love knows to be kind and never to hurt or kill. Love knows to treat your neighbour as yourself.

Love is what we crave from birth, a craving that must be met by our new and loving earth-bound family.

Love knows that a life is worth more than a pair or new shoes or designer makeup. Love is what can save us, make us fully human again and raise us up in the eyes of the Lord.


To all of the readers of this book, I just wanted to tell some scenes of this book are real, espacially the ones in the prison.

(I already mentioned it in the intro along with my inspirations)

I've described a person's experience whom I know in this book, but ofc I've added some changes.

And I was at that time so sad and pained by the events that happened to him, also I've added some other's experiences whitch I've read from some webs and books ofc. But the main reason that pushed me to write is the psychological maladie.

I was intressed by the this malady and ofc the world's of psycopaths in general, and still I am.

Facts about the characters:

Idk if you noticed or no, but y/n have the vibes of Stockholm syndrome. I will let it to you to decide if it is true or not.

It was like she was his cure at first but then he become hers too.


His character was the cupid. He thought that he was in love with when he wasn't, and yet all the things he did was against his love for her, he never tried to catch her or make her fall in love with him.


Desperate person to make his prisoners under control, and trying new injections on them. But the main thing, he was just a main character from the underground world or maybe the government? This was the main thought I built on the book. He was assigned by the "government " or something elses to try on the new illegal medicines secretly. And it will be the best to try it on the prisoners whom were sentenced to death or living all their lives in there. (Idk if you will accept this, but this actually can happen in the real life and maybe it's happening we don't know)

When I will rewrite this book, Im gonna add some scenes that confirm this, but I don't have the feel nd the time to do it rn,^^.

And thank you again, if you are seeing this❤, and i really wish to write an epilogue describing the happy life of jungkook and y/n, but Idk why I can't write. And I also plan to write an epilogue where a new story begin^^. And still confused.


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