39|Orphic flames

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❝angel with flames  ❞

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angel with flames 

She was his drug. One-touch and he's intoxicating right at that instant. Whatever she wanted to do is what they will do and there's isn't one thing he can do to stop her, not he'd want to.

Their bodies felt once more, just warm and snuggled in as close as two souls can be.

Still in her embrace whitch made his heartbeats incredebelly fast;

"Why?"Jungkook asked mentioning to her strange forgiveness breaking the awkward silence. Y/n titled her head to the both sides, offering him a small smile.

"You don't understand do you? " she asked the obvious for her chuckling.

"Love is above everything "


"Yeah. the feeling that I sense for you"   Jungkook wasn't that stupid to not understand her meaning, she loves him and he knows it. The fact that he was trying to stop along ago, but he couldn't.

But even that, the expressions of confusion and awcardness is still written on his face because he still didn't understand why she loves him? He wasn't the man who will make her live the princess life or even be her price charming.

And she knows it as well.

Both facing each other, they sat in a awkward silence, suffocating both of them.

"Jungkook I love you " Y/n confessed breaking the icy air around them, not wanting to wait anymore.

"I don't deserve your love, I don't deserve anything in this life Y/n" he spoke, his voice was about to crack.

Y/n looked up at him, seeing him lowering his head to the ground made hee feel pity and regret what made him like this, whitch was still unknown to her.

And she knows so well what he meant by not deserving anything in this life. All his kills and crimes were sins.

But he's thinking was telling her otherwise. He was a human being and every human deserves a second chance.

Because comparing to what she saw the first day she met him was not the now jungkook who was in front of her. He was about to be brain damaged totally when she met him. She saved him partially from the injections whitch was given to him.

" I'm sure that you are just imagining this love or what you are calling it " Spoke jungkook, still not wanting to believe the truth.

"No, I'm sure of my feelings " the black-haired girl spoke in determination yet in a soft tone.

With her words, his emotions turn cold, fearful, anxious. She felt him backing away, fleeing or striking out at someone who loves him.

" I love you jungkook" she confessed for the second time, want and determination filling her voice.

"Stop it" Jungkook groaned."you don't love me, how could a person love someone sick? There's no such a person could do that thing"

"That thing is called love Jungkook, the same thing that you are running away from right now. And I believe that everyone has the right for a second chance" she spilled.

" I do not have that right, someone bloody like me doesn't deserve it" Jungkook spoke as she looked at him in disbelief.

"You do, you just have to trust me"

"How can I trust you? "

"Then how am I not dead yet jungkook ? Why didn't you kill me ?"

"Because you are different " Jungkook muttered without thinking twice.

"See, you are not that person you are talking about and you trust me " With her conclusion, she made Jungkook in silent mode. By now she can see the tears filling his eyes while he tries so bad to hold them back.

She stood up and walked towards him. Lifting his chin up to take a good look of his eyes. Taking his hand in hers, she couldn't hold her eyes back from analysing his features. Her gaze locked with his, then all she can focus on is one thing.

His lips.

And like a stupid child, he holds out for love, wide eyes and shaking limbs, still looking for that dark place all over again, but praying for the light. He locked his lips with hers.

In that split second before his touch every nerve in her body and brain is electrified. It's the anticipation of being together in a way that's more than words, in a way that's so completely tangible.

While she was his drug. One-touch and the intoxication are instant. They didn't know how they found themselves in the room upstairs, but they did.

In the room that is twilight and shadow Jungkook stands close enough for her to breathe in his scent. His arms wrap around her back and in one gentle pull their skin touches. She feels his hand in her hair, how he loves the softness, watching it tumble as he releases it. Then his hand moves down her cheekbones to her lips.

That's when the kissing starts and they start to move like partners in a dance that is written in their fates.

Every kiss has a raw intensity, breathing fast, heart rates faster. Then before she knows how it happened they are naked and their skin is moving softly together, like the finest of silk. She feels his hand enter from below moving fast, their tongues entwined in a kiss, and then he's inside, changing her breathing with every thrust, hearing her moans timed to his body.

Their bodies fit together as if they were made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm.

In the twilight room their fingers caressed each other's skin as if afraid a heavier touch would break the heady magic. They became one, one mind with one goal and purpose, each utterly drunk with love for the other.

Her hand alights on his face, moving down past his collar bone. Already his brain is on fire, she's his angel, his angel with fingertips of flame.

In these moments she loves him with her eyes as much as her body, their souls mingling in the quiet moments between action and stillness. The cold room already feels warm. Its hard to hold back, to make the moment last. Isn't it always the way, so caught between the intoxication of the climax and extending a moment they never want to end.

He was the devil wrapped by the flames of his angel. And he loved it.

God bless him.

But the main question, will he remains surrounded by her flames?

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