49|Orphic Reunions

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❝back from sins ❞

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back from sins 

"Hello, Miss y/n"

His dark hair was styled nicely down the side of his face that always looked like he was sleep-deprived from the dark bags under his eyes.

For the n time in her life.

She was drowning. Again.

Everybody says that when drowning, calm down, find the top, relax and float to the top - but not this one. Her breath evaporated from her chest. Her heart thumped erratically. Her mouth was dry and her tongue was swollen. Sorrow, pain, and fear weighed her down. She needed to breathe! She couldn't breathe!

Her body was paralyzed.

She was so screwed.

"As far as I know, I'm not your psychotherapist anymore. Right, Mr.Jeon?" Y/n said in a competitive voice.

"Right" Jungkook confirmed.

"So, how was life in Rehab?"

"I'm afraid to lie to you, it was hectic but it was all for the best," Jungkook said looking down at his hands. She could tell that he was nervous talking about the fact.

"Glad, you are better now, "The black-haired said in a small voice.

Jungkook couldn't describe y/n in words, she looked more mature. Real women if he wanted to say.

Time can change anything, people's feelings, memories. Everything.

"I hope it's all better for you too" Jungkook spoke, making y/n snap her head at him to look at him in the eyes. "Trust me it's better"

When y/n spoke her words, all her mind was all on her daughter. Every word was about her. Alannia was her cure in this life, she was the only reason that made her life better.

While Jungkook understood that her life was better without him, that she was better without him.

Who was he to have a say in this? A criminal? Her latest patient?

He understood her archived message.

"Mama?" The soft voice interrupted both of their thoughts, making them both turn their heads towards the source. 

"Hi, baby!" Y/n said whilst kneeling down to her daughter, before picking her up. 

"where is Jin?" Y/n asked knowing that Jing wouldn't let Ala alone "He said he'll go park the car and come after" 

Instantly, Y/n knew what was going on, she was sure that Jin saw Jungkook sitting with her. And he didn't want to interfere, that's why he sent Ala alone to her mother.

On the other hand, Jungkook looked mesmerized by the little girl. She was a spiral image of a princess. 

He looked at her in amazement, Amazement doesn't quite cover it. He felt like someone just took his spark of wonder.

Jungkook smiled seeing her.

The smile he showed on the outside couldn't adequately reflect what he felt inside; it's like every neuron of his brain is trying to fire in both directions at once - the best kind of paralysis.

Yet, there was hurt trapped under his smile, along with anger.

He felt so very angry. He had felt so deeply bloody angry with the universe, with God.

Yet that is so unfair.

The anger is because he wanted to be with her. He wanted to be with her so much but he had to keep his own counsel, his thoughts to himself because even if he let them out, It will be in vain.

He will just hope to forget. Nothing more.

He really hopes so. Because that is when they get their emotional reunion. That is when he can have her love because her influence at that point will be a bonus, a boost, a benefit to whatever comes next.

"Congratulations, she is beautiful" Like you, he wanted to say. But it wasn't his right to say something else. Y/n was taken, she didn't have any chance with her. 

He looked at her then, his black eyes drilling into mine. I couldn't help but think - she'd never seen such dark eyes with so much light in them.

When she looked into his eyes, but it was like nothing was there to behold. An endless depth of ink and pain. she could not see the whites of his eyes nor the vessels that flowed through them. 

His eyes were so dark, filled with pain. And the realization hit her hard. He didn't know about the baby, about Ala. 

he didn't know.

She blamed all these years for something he didn't know about, she blamed him for nothing.

"I think I should leave"He spoke before he got up from his seat.  

"I think  I should give you back this" He spoke with a low voice before he reached for the journal that y/n gave him in their last encounters.

He had been writing his letters in that journal, from the day they informed him that he couldn't send any letter.

It was for his own good, his therapist was the ones who decided that. They were afraid that changing letters would be affecting his feelings. And his mind.

"I don't need it anymore" Jungkook spoke as if it was his last words to her. The last goodbye.

It was painful, for them both.

He thought that she already started a new life without him and she wasn't. She thought that he was ignoring her letters all these years but he didn't.

Should I call it a misunderstanding?


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