45| Orphic insecurities

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Y/n was sitting on the bed in the doctor's office dressed in a paper gown.

She was holding onto Jin's hand so tight it began turning white. He tried pulling away since she was probably hurting him, but she was too nervous to let go.

There was a small knock on the door, and in came the doctor.

Kim Taehyung asked her questions before lifting up her shirt and saying"It might be a bit cold" He put the gel on her stomach and began moving the stick around.

She didn't want to look - she was too scared that something was wrong. She kept
your eyes on Jin, who was starring at the screen.

If he was brave enough, she should be too.

Y/n looked at the screen, which was full of static. Nothing showed up at first, which made her breathing quicken.

But then you heard the heartbeat of the baby. Her baby.

"Would you like to know the gender, Miss Kim? " Dr.Taehyung asked y/n.

Jin had instructed Taehyung to be the doctor of y/n, along the way of her pregnancy, being his specialty. Kim Taehyung was a close friend to Jin. They used to work in the same hospital before and be trusted her with him.

Y/n anxiously shook her head back and forth. Her anguish pressed her lips together and warned her to not shed a single tear.

She felt like knowing the gender was something both parents should be present

She hated herself for the way her body kicked and screamed for Jungkook like a child throwing a tantrum. Y/n learned to console herself, cradling her body in her own arms, knowing that he wasn't there.

"Okay, that's fine. Well, if you don't have any questions for me, I will be seeing you
at our next appointment. One of the nurses will be sure to set that up for you" he smiled
tenderly. Just as the snap from snatching his gloves off had echoed through the room, y/n cleared her throat.

"I actually do have a question," she let out with her voice barely hovering above a whisper. Witch makes Jingo out, after understanding that his sister wanted to ask something private.

"Actually. The baby's father was sick. He suffered from bipolar and identity disorder."

Her mind trailed over to Jungkook, the man she should have never gotten involved
with. He was the man who filled her heart only for it to explode in the process.

Even though it killed her, she missed his beautiful smile. She missed the way he held her because it was the only way he could show how much he loved her. She missed his hair with the way it danced on his shoulders like a princess flourishing in the night with her handsome prince.

Jungkook was supposed to be her hope, her dreams, her fairytale. And the villain at the same time.

"I'm wondering if it some if some of them are genetic? " she informed her doctor before
gulping down nothing but air when she already knows that his identity disorder is not a genetic malady. It hit just one percent of the population genetically.

Taehyung's brows rose as he studied her.

"Bipolar disorder is frequently inherited, with genetic factors accounting for approximately 80% of the cause of the condition. It is the most likely psychiatric disorder to be passed down from family." Taehyung paused, he looked at y/n as if he wanted her approval to continue.

"If one parent has bipolar disorder, there's a 10% chance that their child will develop the illness. If both parents have bipolar disorder, the likelihood of their child developing bipolar disorder rises to 40%. So, in conclusion, you have te-"

"Ten percent of having a child with bipolar disorder" y/n spoke interrupting. Her voice came out like a whisper.

"Jin had explained to me your situation, the father of the child is not in the picture. And being alone and taking care of a child with bipolar disorder, but of course, it's just ten percent you shouldn't worry"

Y/n nodded her head understanding, she shouldn't be worried about it.

"And I will be here to answer your questions along the way y/n."

"Thank you," Y/n said so quietly that she almost didn't even hear herself. The doctor
gave her a tight-lipped smile just before exiting the room, leaving her all alone. She
bit down on the inside of her cheek as she got up from the bed, to meet with her brother outside.

Her other man.

12 weeks later

"Your belly is getting so big" Y/n's mom laughed, grabbing her stomach as she approached y/n from the side. She had moved out of the house, and into y/n's to help her out in her pregnancy.

She offered for y/n to come with her, but she wanted to have her child by her side, he had promised to help show her and teach her how to look after a newborn.

Y/n rolled my eyes at his comment, only he would comment about a pregnant woman's
size. "You're not supposed to comment on how much of a whale I am beginning to look, you know."

He chuckled as his mom hit his arm, pulling an unimpressed scowl at her son. "Well, it's
good to know that my niece is getting big and healthy"

"She is," y/n grinned, rubbing my hand on my protruding belly as she approached her twelfth week. "Only four weeks to go now."

"You figured out a name yet?" Jin questioned curiously, his hands going into
the fridge and stealing one of her chocolate bars.

Usually, she would complain, but she had found that chocolate had been the cause of her sickness throughout her pregnancy. Her stomach just refused to eat it.

Y/n looked at her mom and smiled, they had discussed baby names together and she was pretty settled on the name we had chosen. She wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, so both kept tight-lipped.

"You'll just have to wait and find out." Her mom said, smirking playfully, knowing that Jin was desperate to find out. He had been asking them for weeks.

Jin pulled a face at y/n which made her giggle. "I will found out soon"


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