34| Orphic Moon

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like the moon

Y/n looked at the night sky through her window. The cold breeze hit her face, making her wrap her arms around her body.

She slowly got off her bed and made her way to the kitchen. The small room was very quiet, not a single sound was heard.

She remembered that Jungkook didn't eat, didn't drink anything, not even a cup of water.

She quietly walked up the stairs to his room before slowly knocking on the door, but to her surprise, it wasn't closed.

She peeked into the room, noticing Jungkook's figure lying on the bed. She tiptoed to him, trying not to make any noise.

She kneeled next to his bed and stared at him.

"Please don't!" He pleaded in his nightmare as y/n grabbed his hand and called him out. "He must be very hurt ..." Y/N whispered to herself.

Just then, Jungkook started shaking. He was covered in a cold sweat.

Y/N hesitantly placed her hand on his forehead, checking if he had a fever. But his eyes snapped open as he sat up, causing a cold gust of air that made him feel like he just sat in a bathtub full of ice.

He was looking around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror may have followed him there, but once his teary eyes locked with hers, he pulled her and hugged her waist. He then placed his head on her stomach.

His heart was pounding in his chest, those vivid images, and that terrible feeling not leaving him.

She tried pushing him but he only tightened his grip on her waist.

"Don't leave me..."

After sometime y/n of making Jungkook sleep, she released his grip from her, before she walked and sat on the couch there. but jungkook's eyes traveled around the room panicking again, to see where he was before landing on y/n who was sitting beside the couch with worry in her beautiful eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly as he hummed in response before sitting up.

"I'll get you some water:" y/n offered as she rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. She quickly headed back to the living room and found him holding his head in his hands.

"Here." She extended the glass of water which he grabbed and downed. She smiled, grabbing the empty glass and placing it on the side table next to the couch.

"Do you feel better?" She asked, rubbing his arms as he hummed in response.

"Do you want to talk about that nightmare of yours?" She asked softly, afraid he may shut up on her if she pushed him too far. He shook his head 'no' and continued to look at the carpet underneath him.

"Alright, that's fine. I'll let you go back to sleep. Call me if you need anything" y/n told him as she got up from next to the couch and got ready to head back to her room.

"Can you stay with me?" He asked making y/n stop in her tracks. She looked at him, not knowing what to respond with. His eyes were filled with fear and pain that it was impossible for anyone to not feel. Y/n took a deep breath before answering his plead.

"Sure." She answered before sitting next to him on the couch. He didn't move as he held his head in his palms, still calming himself down. Y/n hesitatingly brought her hand up to his back before rubbing in up and down strokes. Jungkook immediately calmed down before he pulled away from her hands and looked at her.

He didn't say anything and y/n just gently smiled at him in the reassurance that it's fine if you're not ready to talk about it. Y/n leaned back onto the corner of the couch as he brought his head onto her lap. She smiled as he quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and closed his eyes back shut. Y/n continued playing with his hair as he instantly fell back to sleep on her lap.

She didn't even realize when her eyes got heavy as they closed on themselves with her hand still in his silky hair. Jungkook opened his eyes as he heard the softness of her breathing. He looked at her peaceful face and noticed that there was not even once when she wasn't gentle with him. She had become a sickness he was dying to catch. 

She was just that contagious. Everything about her was contagious. From her sweet vanilla scent to her beautiful orbs.

Jungkook quickly closed his eyes back up to rest his eyes as much as possible. He was greedy because for the first time he was able to fall asleep peacefully without being haunted by nightmares. 

The weight of the memories never let him go to sleep and he thought they never will until he met her and now he knew that like the moon he would only bloom in her arms. The sunshine who only bloomed in the night's arms.

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