15- Orphic Blood ✓

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A hot breath fanned the back of his neck as he was pulled back by strong arms. He wanted to turn around but he stopped him by placing his lips on the side of his neck. 

Then he traced his fingers on his back from his neck to his thighs, clutching them with his palms.

"Tell me Jungkook, did you miss me? "he grinned, placing his arms around his bare stomach, back hugging him.

Jungkook didn't respond, he was just looking in front of him.

From his voice, he knew that he was doing that out of anger and hate, not from love and lust.

Jungkook knew that Yoongi hated him. Hate and enmity welled up in his heart, fury itself burning him up. But the reason for this fact, it's still unknown.

The thing which made him more confused is that he expressed his hate towards him sexually.

He begins rubbing his stomach with his hands taking the chance he moves his hands towards his chest.

"Stop" he muttered.

"Shh. You are not allowed to talk "

"I told you to stop, didn't I ?" 

The blonde-haired hands pushed him into the wall in front of him. It stung and sent swells of pain through his body. A chin rested on his shoulder, whoever it was breathing onto his ear.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something when his lips clamped down on her ears. They were light at first, and then the person bit down harder. 

Jungkook squirmed against the wall. The teeth turned to a tongue. It slid over the rim of Jungkook's ear and caused him to hiss out a bit. 

Two hands slid down his sides and landed on his waist, just above the hem of his sensitive area.

"Push me away Jungkook." 

"Where's the so-called Ink? Huh? " 

His lips moved down to his neck and nipped at the tender skin. his skin was bruised so easily, he knew it would make a mark. It seemed like his captor did too. They began to suck at the skin furiously.

"I told you to stop stupid" Jungkook mumbled under his breath, trying to contain himself.

"Wake the monster inside if you! "

Jungkook didn't utter a word, he was just looking at him. 

He knew who he was talking to now.

He knew it.

"What??! dogs cut your tongue monster "

Jungkook smirked at her just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head.

It was so subtle, it was even more infuriating for him who caught a glimpse of it after making the foolish mistake.

"You know you are all stupid "

The black-haired boy said as he eyed him from head to toes, remarking the knife that was under his belt.

Jungkook approached him, placing his hands on his torso making him feel pleased.

"I was sure you are a fuckbody" Jungkook pretended to think for a second, asking after that.

"I know ?"

Jungkook grinned massaging his torso to his abdomen making him moan at this satisfaction.

He took this opportunity to grab his wrist and twist it behind his back, locking him in place.

He wasn't in control anymore.

He hisses when the small knife enters his side sending searing pain throughout his abdomen.

The knife met flesh, soft and pudgy, and made a satisfying squish as the tip of the blade sank deep enough to make him scream in pain instead of pleasure. 

He grabbed his arms into his chest digging his nails into it, marking a scar above his chest.

At this realization he twisted the blade in his hands, all the while sinking it deeper and deeper. 

His skin was torn to shreds as the knife rotated, the sound of his muscles and nerves being gouged growing louder. Then, without warning, he jerked it all the way into his back, until the shiny metal had disappeared inside him and the black handle was pushing against his broken skin.

His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken.

"I-I hate you " Yoongi tried to spell under the hard pain he was feeling.

"No. you shouldn't be " his calm, raw voice brutal against his ear.

His hisses were a brilliant sound, guttural chokes mixed with an agonized roar. He smirked and pulled the blade out of his now deathly white victim. He sank to his knees, continuing to scream, convulsing and trembling like a rabid animal and thick blood flowing freely from the gaping hole in his back.

The cascade of the Yoongi's life source gushed out in all directions, scarlet liquid squirting up all over him. He turned away as he pleaded for mercy became quieter, the sweet tang of blood-tingling in his nostrils.

He had to let him down crushed on the ground while his vision darkened.

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