30-Orphic Kiss

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❝ Monsters in my head ❞

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Monsters in my head

Y/n flutters her lashes, appreciating the sudden smell. There's something covering her but she doesn't recognize it as her own.

Slowly leaning up, her legs she yawns as she forces them to move. Her body feels heavy but in a way so much lighter.She hasn't slept so well in so long and she smacks her lips before scratching her head.

It was childlike how he held her, his face resting on her chest while her fingers

thrummed through his soft hair. He held her as if she was his only comfort and she just couldn't find it in her to turn him away. She gently runs her fingers through his scalp, enjoying the soft sounds of his breathing as he stirs into her more.

He looks so innocent, so angelic and peaceful as he holds her. He's much bigger than her and yet he's the one snuggling into her chest instead of the other way around. She can tell he hasn't been sleeping much, his body is much relaxed rather than tense.

Her fingers gently brush a few loose strands from his face and she smiled softly as he smacked his lips in response. He was enjoying his new profound pillows at the moment and she can tell as a sudden smile ghosts his lips. She wasn't sure what he was dreaming about but she wishes she could be at peace like him while she gets back to sleep.

Eyes fluttering open to expose the pale black  orbs held by Jungkook , he stirred lightly feeling a body figure next to him.

He looked down to see y/n cuddled into his side, her eyes still closed as light snores escaped from her. Jungkook stared at the girl in his arms, studying the features that had caught his attention.

His soft lips stretched into a smile but didn't quite reach his dark eyes. They were lit with sadness, and the forced expression of the contrary on his mouth would have looked comical to me if it didn't make her heart feel heavy.

Min youngi, the one and only, stood near with a sly smirk on his face as he observed the two sleeping together. It was cute. But youngi hated it. He hated the happiness of others.

And he hated love.


His smirk grows as a plan forms itself into his fucked up mind, which holds much more than just his evil thoughts and intentions. It was simple really. He just had to get his hands on the girl. Knowing by time, he'll be his rival's number one priority.

With that, he walked off-amused into the cell.

Y/n opened her eyes to the sudden loud bangs of metal against metal as Yoongi banged his baton against the bars, waking Jungkook up. "Get up, love birds. Time to move."

He ordered and in seconds, the loud screeching of metal doors erupted as the barred doors slid open, making the two look at him shocked hearing the voice of yoongi.

Y/n let out a sigh, looking up and realizing Jungkook had awakened. It seems like he's been up for a long time too. Not having the right words to say, y/n mumbled a quick sorry as a blush crept its way up her kissable cheeks.

The black-haired boy hid the little smile that tugged at the corner of his lips before adjusting himself on the hard floor.

Stretching out his muscles, y/n watched in amusement as jungkook's back muscles flexed through his shirt.

For a few moments, she stared at him, almost sure his expression mirrored hers. It breaks her heart. He didn't want her to leave.

Y/n was trying not to stare at his feets but she kept finding her eyes had diverted to it. One moment they were obediently on his red-rimmed eyes and the next they were rested on the bloody mess that had been a perfectly ordinary nose only hours before.; so ordinary in the fact that she could not recall what it had looked like.

Leaving the cell after whispering him a goodbye, yoongi closed the metal barriers, painting on his lips a smirk.

Clutching on the hands of the girl in front of him, he pushed her back to the metal causing a loud sound due to the metal.

She didn't have the time to react until she found herself being trapped between yoongi's pale arms, hands above her head.

While Jungkook's attention snapped due to the loud bang. Lifting his head, his eyes welcomed the sight of yoongi kissing y/n, as with her back facing Jungkook.

He clenched his fists at the horrible scene in front of him, putting one of his palms over his heart, which was beating as fast as it could.

He wants to snap them apart at that moment, he wanted to run and never come back, he wished this sight will not be true.

But reality hits hard as it could. 

She just promised him that she won't leave his side, wishing sweet things to his ears

She was a traitor.

Anger and jealousy consumed him.

Y/n on the other hand, found herself kissed by the disgusting yoongi, she wanted to cry but she couldn't, she wanted to run back to jungkook's arms but she couldn't.

Yoongi broke the kiss, realizing y/n, leaving her panting and coughing hard.

He knocked the metal bars with the keys, grabbing the prisoner's attention once more.

Seeing Jungkook's cold side one more makes him happy. He thought that his revenge went too well.

"I told you before, I'll hurt anyone you try to love Ink "



Hearing it reminded him of his other side.

Before y/n and yoongi could leave, jungkook's voice interrupted.

"Wait " he spoke before he took the notebook and threw her at y/n, under the barriers of the cell, so it could pass. "Take this and never come back again, miss y/n as you know the week of your sessions has ended " Jungkook spoke, leaving behind him a broken heart of y/n.


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