19- Orphic Strip

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"strip show"

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"strip show"

She stripped his upper shirt revealing his abs. She was attracted. And when her hands landed on his pants. He stopped her tracks.

With her naked and his half-naked form. Another dangerous level of fear gushed through her veins.

She didn't shake her head again, letting him know that she doesn't want it but the opposite, she was rooming her hands on his chest while he was too controlled by his own intentions than any other thing.

" Let's play your game," Jungkook blurted out and entered his two fingers inside her curls. She arched her back, swallowing hard enough. Gripping onto his shoulders, turning her head madly afterward.

There he was centimetres from her neck-she could already see the stars right in front of her eyes being open, feeling his fingers, diving deep.

An arousing heat owned her body and she felt lava about to explode. She never felt this heat before ever. The heat emitted as flames.

To her misfortune, the game Jungkook wanted to play was otherwise. Letting him stripping her out of pleasure, she didn't notice that the blade and the gun she had were out of her reach.

In other words, they were in his reach.

Jungkook threw the gun away, satisfied with having the blade. It was his favorite.

Lifting the blade to her face, he traced it all along her cheek and neck. He pressed more on the side of her neck, making blood drip out from her skin. She didn't know how to react.

With her eyes closed. She was driven crazy. Areum felt it all for the first time. It wasn't about the pleasure, it was about the pain she was feeling.

That momemt she realized that she fucked up-

She squinted her eyes with the sudden pain she felt. He stroked her hair behind her face and skimmed down to her neck. She gasped for air.

Her uncontrolled outburst of emotions was killing her from the insides. Without any breaks, he kept marking her with the silver. With her mouth wide open. He observed her reaction as she felt an outburst of knots in her stomach.

He pressed himself against her. Their heat mingled with each other and the night went on.

He begins to work his blade every place he looked at- She rolled her eyes behind her head as the whites could be seen. She saw the stars right in front of her eyes. A wave of pains hit her.

The torture he was doing to her was dangerous. While he was busy doing wonders down there and tasting her blood, she didn't want to show him that she feared him.

She tried to push him away, but it was in vain but she ended up grabbing his shoulders, as he naked another flesh of her skin again.

His hand clasps over her mouth, and equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierces her heart, unloading in an instant. She feels her ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate her lungs. Her head is a carousel of fears spinning out of control, each one pushing her mind into blackness.

She wanted to run, but she couldn't.

Sounds that were near feel far away, like she's no longer in the body that lies paralyzed on the hard bed.

Blood begins to drip out from her thighs.

The edge is pushed up, scrunching his one eye up, making the brown appear black. His lips parted a centimeter, making it seductive to her. Yet the fake smile on his pristine face made him appear all too arrogant.

He was going to kill her.

The monster was proud of himself, and he felt more proud when he knew that someone was watching him behind the walls of his cell.


Y/n on the other hand, couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't want to anyway. She never saw something like that even in her worst nightmares. But that was only because her brain always woke her up before such a horrific image covered her mind. And now she was seeing something her eyes won't ever be able to erase.

Skimming his blade up her belly, stopping at her shaking belly button and slightly brushing his flesh around it. Her breath went uneven. Her body was shaking.

The metal doors were unlocked again, which didn't make him stop his act.

Until he felt a sharp pain on his neck, as some liquid rushed through his veins, making him turn back to y/n who's tightening her hands around the injection, she locked eyes with him.

His eyes, so black and deep, like a bottomless well. They were dragging her in, those eyes of his, and she could see the coffee beans that were her eyes falling under that dark well. Turning his back to the girl who found difficulty in breathing.


Blood everywhere.

Realization hits him.

"I'm a monster "


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