3-Orphic meeting✓

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❝meeting the devil ❞

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meeting the devil

The only thought that roamed y/n's mind when she walked into the cell, was how she will get him to speak.

After reading his file, she registered that he wasn't much a talker with anyone that entered his cell.

Not even his previous therapists. Or Dr. Jimin. He just always decide to ignore whatever they try to say to him and watch them debate his case.

It was kind of funny.

But they couldn't care less, because he was obeying their orders. He just watched and do what they told him to do.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to see himself in the same dark cell. As he looks around, he's alone and it's awfully quiet and calm, just then he realized what happened.

He looks down at his electric cuff, which was now apart from him. His friend is in his cell.

And like he could he escape anyway? 

He hunched his back down and he stared at his ankle. Or rather at his bloody ankle. From all the pressure used there, the blood has started to drip out. Making his skin scarlet than ever.

But he wasn't feeling anything, even when the metal was digging into his skin, blood coming from it, he didn't feel anything.

This happens every time they inject him.

The silent cell was disturbed by the sound of the metal door, followed by a beep sound, being forced open and closed.

He saw a faint silhouette of a slim woman in front of him and the guard Yoongi, hidden in the dark shadows of the cell. They both stopped in front of him as he was now looking at the ground.

"Jungkook it's time for your breakfast" the guard's voice echoed through the room he lifted his head to see the owner the new voice. His sigh was welcomed by the new young woman accompanied by the guard Yoongi.

Yoongi walked towards him, handing him, kneeling at Jungkook, to realize him from the rope that was knotted about one hundred times around his right wrist to let him eat properly.

Yoongi handed him the plate as the boy in front of him began to dig in, still looking at the ground with his dark eyes showing no emotions.

Y/n on the other side was just looking at him, she was in front of him but he didn't notice her. or he was just playing dumb? She didn't even get the chance to look at him properly.

As he finished eating Yoongi took the plate and turned to y/n "I will head to Dr.Jimin to let him come here to give him his medicine " y/n nodded "you stay here and do introduce yourself to him. and Don't forget what I've said " she nodded again before he left the cell.

All they can hear is silence until she decided to break it "My name is Kim y/n, I will be assisting your therapy sessions from now on"


It wasn't something unexpected, but she will not make it stop here.

Y/n ignored his silence and went to the table that was placed there, before sitting and unloading her Journal and the files consisting of Jungkook's information.

"Please take a seat "


"So, you were responsible for killing. A man named John Caterson at the age of 34 years old and another one aged 40 years old and two others are aged 41." Y/n paused as she looked at him before she went again. "And for women, three girls with blond hair and hazel eyes. Weird mash up right ?"

Jungkook was on alert mode when she mentioned the girls. It was going the way she wanted.

"And to not forget the last you had been caught violating your last therapist who has to have Blonde hair and hazel eyes" y/n finished when she noticed she had his full attention right now. But she noticed something else.

His smile.

Jungkook offered her a smile, full of threatening and pride.

"You want to be added to the list? " he voiced for the first time.

So he talks

"No, I think I'm safe as long as I don't have blonde hair. Right? "

"You seem too sure about yourself. Right? " he responded darkly.

"I am, b-"

"A small advice for you Miss, you should never trust psychopath" he interrupted before she could go any further in the discussion which he was bored with.

"I advise you to go back from where you came, there's nothing to do here. don't waste your time here " he said, still looking down at the woman, disregarding his silent salutation, continued to stare at him wild-eyed, like a damned soul.

"I will not I came here to do my job why I will quiet it "

"All of them said that, " he said with a chuckle leaving his mouth before he continued, " I think that you already know what happened to the last therapist before you. Count your steps miss psychotherapist," he said, lifting his head, allowing her to see his face. 

Her eyes locked with his, causing a spark of slight amusement lighting up in his eyes, his lips forming an arrogant smirk.

A sudden change?

She realized he had probably noticed her gaping at him, and she quickly closed her mouth and tried to compose herself. He has dark eyes that seem to swallow her up like a black hole of seduction, now and then seeming to twinkle mischievously. 

His lips are the perfect shape and his jaw is strong and angular, and she can practically see the muscles of his biceps stretching the sleeves of his dress shirt. The confidence in his smirk seems to spark something within her.

Everything about him screamed womanizer. He slowly lets his eyes drag from her face all the way down her body and back up again, making heat creep onto her cheeks. He settles his mesmerizing gaze onto her eyes again.

His eyes were the same black as chocolates but his skin was more brown, more deeply wrinkled too. There was a seriousness about him that unnerved her. Her eyes were glued to the figure in front of her.

He was just looking at her, no he was looking into her soul. Challenging her to say something.

She looked down at him, her eyes noticed the cuffs warped on his ankle, along with the blood dripping out.

But she didn't who what was more dangerous the cuffs or the one who was wrapped by it.

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