25-Orphic sleepless

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"monsters under my bed"

She got back to her apartment that evening, her body feeling physically drained. She was exhausted after an almost 12-hour shift at the prison.

Would it always feel like this? Maybe she would get used to the pure demand of it all. She was hoping she would. This new job was suffocating for her after she got assigned to therapy with the other prisoners too.

Her new apartment wasn't exactly a homely place to go back to either. She wanted a bath and maybe a glass of wine after her first day therapying many prisoners but the hot water hadn't been fixed yet and she had no food or drink in the house.

She sighed.

She couldn't even be bothered to take a trip down to the shop to get anything, she was just too tired.

Instead, she took a cold shower, got dressed into a wrinkled pair of pajamas from her suitcase, and slipped into an old bed that was left behind.

Well, at least it was comfortable enough. she tried to sleep. She tried with all she could but she just couldn't seem to get the relaxation she wanted.

She tossed and turned for at least an hour and as her belly rumbled, she slapped her pillow as if it were to blame.

Why couldn't she sleep?

Maybe, the dark criminal was playing on her mind like a broken record. What would it feel like to have him behind her? In front of her? Is the rough or gentle, his voice turning into a raspy gruff.

She needed to stop thinking this way. 

Why couldn't she get that damned man out of her mind? He wasn't a nice person, he wasn't somebody she should have been thinking about.

It was highly illegal and extremely wrong of her to do so. He was under her care and her mind was being totally inappropriate.

She thinks that she will be going to hell. 

She's so screwed. 

Just as she was about to hit her pillow again as the thoughts tangled her mind another time. 

Did he make her nervous because of the way he was or did he make her nervous because she wanted to do more than she was allowed?

She was confused as hell. 

She had to get him out of her mind once and for all.

She walked over to her new office in the fastest movement she could so she was late for her therapy's seances, her heart beating too fast already as if she had run around the prison a few times. She didn't know why she was so nervous or why her hands had started to sweat and feel clammy.

She thinks it had something to do with the prisoner Jungkook. God, why couldn't she just keep her cool?

The office smelt like jungkook, musky and masculine. She knew he was in here without even having to check. His presence was too powerful not to be known.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?" He asks and he turns to look at her dreadfully, as she walks in. 

"No. Not exactly." She says and he rests his chin on his palm.

"Why not?" He asks.

His jaw is tightened making the outline of his entire face appear bolder. This is the same way he looks in his mugshot.

"Don't test your limits Mr. Jungkook ." She says sternly and he sighs.

She wants to just talk to him but she's not sure how to start a conversation.

"How was your night?" He asks for his second time, although she at least prefers to talk about him in case one of the guards is trying to listen in.

So he was the one asking questions?

"It was as usual I guess." She says and he squints at her.

" What did you do?" He asks and she lets out a chuckle. He is probably going to be underwhelmed.

"Well," she said, looking at him. She wanted him to think she's going to say something interesting but then not. She can tell it caught his interest.

"I came home and cooked dinner for myself, and then I exercised for a bit before taking a shower, laying down and going to sleep, like any normal person," she says and she expects him to look at her with a bored expression but he doesn't.

"Right. Normal people " jungkook spoke with sarcasm in his voice, muttering. Letting y/n realizes what she just said.

"No, jungkook. I didn't mean it this way " she shook her head, denying the fact, pity filling her heart. 

"You know it's okay to be abnormal right ?" Jungkook asked, followed by her smooth silence before he continued "it can lead to many things. " 

Y/n looked at him in confusion, not understanding any meaning of his words. 

"Especially abnormal things and exciting things, you know? " When she looks back at him she is staring into his eyes. The hair all over her body stands as if to tell her to run in the opposite direction. But can't tear her eyes from his.

Suddenly she feels something touch the top of her thigh. Is that? No. He is not touching her thigh right now.

His hand moves to the inside of her thigh and she feels herself being tempted to squirm.

The feeling of his hand on her makes her entire body electrified. She bites her lip to keep from saying or doing anything. For a short second, maybe she wants to take the time to memorize this feeling because it will never happen again.

She scoots her chair away from the desk and his hand falls.

"Mr. Jeon. That was completely uncalled for" she yells angrily but in a quiet voice so the guards don't hear.

"If you ever try to do something like that

"Again, I will have you thrown in the shoe.'' she warned him before she continued "you can go now," she said as she yelled at guards to take his smirking form from her, so she can calm her hormones down. 

When he is gone, she breathes out a long sigh.


She was flustered, but she was making improvements. She was gaining the trust of Ink in those sessions. Even if he was traipsing the limits, she should just wait.


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