36|Orphic demons

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It was still early when the clouds gave off their rain to the grass and trees when the road became alive with more splashes than the eyes could appreciate. Yet together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum.

Jungkook stirs behind his closed eyelids, his mind ceasing dream mode to bring him back to wakefulness. At first, he's slightly confused; he hears the fan he's been cooling himself with this long dry summer, yet he knows he didn't turn it on before bed. A slow smile creeps over his face. He doesn't hear the drone of a fan, he hears rain falling thickly outside, the beautiful sound passing right through his open window. He rolls to get up as his eyes open and takes himself to see the rainfall, already feeling the soothing coldness of the breeze.

There is the scent of wetness.

While listening to every splash, he couldn't stop himself thinking about the attraction he feels towards y/n. It was everything he ever needed and wanted, and yet in moments, he panics all the same. He has almost finished conquering these ghosts, the ones that feel that it is safer to run from you than to you. Yet, in truth, he can't run. 

Laying on his back Jungkook couldn't get the feeling of her hard on his chest away, he wanted to watch himself from her Sparkfun touches, he hated the way she made him feel. It makes him hate himself more than ever. Her touches, her words, her sparkling eyes, had a big effect on him which he wanted to run away from.

But the engine of a car stopped his raining thoughts, deciding to check from where the noises came from, Jungkook shot himself up from the bed to check it out.

And here when his eyes betrayed his mind, the sight in front of him was making his eyes seeing red.

Y/n was hugging another male who was tall with broad shoulders and black hair just like y/n.

The unknown man for Jungkook was hugging her, his dearest life. Before he kissed her head twice and left the gates of the small old house.

While Jungkook's world was red, the waves inside of him of anger and jealousy couldn't be described in words. He was ready to destroy anything in front of him.

There is a scream from deep within that forces its way from his mouth, it is as if his terrified soul has unleashed a demon. All he feels is anger. 

When y/n stepped in the house happy after seeing her brother after their last encounter, she couldn't describe how joyful she was when he visited her, ignoring all the danger he could put himself in, in order to visit his runaway sister with the marvel criminal.

The criminal who helped him escape from the prison after a lot of begging from y/n. The janitor's costumes, the car which was placed outside was all their plan to make it real.

But what y/n couldn't describe now, is when she heard the sound of things hitting the ground.

The shards of glass attacked, slicing the skin of jungkook's knuckles, a brilliant, deadly waterfall of light and glitter. It sounded like a wind chime as the mirror broke into a spiderweb of cracks and crystals, a sickening crunch poisoning the ethereal symmetry, he saw his own dark eyes, refracted and reflected ten times, glaring at him.

He broke everything he touched, destroyed everything he loved, his demons would catch up to him one day and they would make him suffer. They would burn him alive and record the screams.

A soft chime announced an arrival. Jungkook's gaze flickered to the girl, perfect and imperfectly mirrored in the broken glass.

Y/n blinked, staring into the room with a shocked expression; the man was facing the broken mirror that used to make up the wall of the lift, a furious look on his face - she'd never seen him so angry.

She watches in horror as Jungkook loses his temper, one after the other, throwing everything he grabs in his hands down on the floor or against the wall she's never seen him like that before and it scares me so much that she doesn't dare to move even a little bit. 

The shards of a mirror fly in every possible direction and when they hit the floor they break into more small pieces, just like her heart. It hurts and at the same time it frightens her, it leaves her speechless.

There's a glint in his eyes that she can catch a glimpse of as he tosses everything wildly around, but it's not the usual sparkle she knows. These are flames of rage that burn in his eyes and draw me into them.

Jungkook runs to the dresser on the opposite wall and lets everything on it fly around in one go. Her hands jump up into her face, clutching her mouth to suppress her own sobs. Tears block her view, but they aren't enough to spare her the painful actions. Her body trembles, her muscles quiver with fear and distress, and she feels her lungs suffocate because she can't breathe properly.

His chest heaving up and down hard. This is a side of Jungkook that she never wants to experience again. Everything happened in seconds. One moment he was roaring like a lion and destroying everything around him, just like a tornado, and the next moment it was completely silent in the room, his deep breathing the only thing that cuts the silence in the room.

"Jungkook?" she asked softly, uncertainly; she could barely recognize him, waking up his demons for the second time. Darkness was twisted around him, like the lingering smell of smoke after a bonfire that hung heavy in the air- he was so angry, so raging mad, that when he turned to face her, she took an automatic step back.

Y/n flinched as he strode towards her, bearing down on her, she tried to move away once again but he'd already caught her-the last thing she saw was the dangerous look in his eye before he wound his arms tightly around her waist and pressed his lips forcefully against hers.

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