28-Orphic Pain

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❝ blanquet of warm ❞

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blanquet of warm

After the guards took Jungkook to his dark home, anger-filled him to the top as they threw him on the floor. Not after a few minutes passed, Jimin walks in, his eyes, searching for jungkook's one.

Wherever y/n watched from above the cameras, what was happening.

She watched Jungkook. How his anger boiled deep in his system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and she knows it's too much for her to handle.

The pressure of this raging sea of anger would force him to say things he does not mean, or to express thoughts he's suppressed for weeks. He could feel his fist smashing into his nose, splattering red blood on the dirty walls. What an improvement that would be.

She started at him, how he was trying to break the chains, putting a big force in it, but with no result. He was shouting and yelling at the guards.


Everything went red. His vision blurred as a flame curled in the pit of his stomach. His brain went on overdrive as it picked every moment that he'd spent there. The memories weighed down on him but instead of breaking, even more, his heart turned ice cold and slunk into the shadows as her brain took complete control. The flames in his stomach rose up to his chest and crawled through his veins, taking over the rest of his body.

His fingers curled into fists, crushing the metal chain he'd held. Waves of fury rolled off him as the blood rose to his cheeks. The term anger barely even touched the tip of the volcano that he so clearly was in that moment.

He was like a wild animal who felt himself free for the first time, but those emotions turned down as soon as Jimin injected him, after missing it for like a week.

would it be like this every time he got injected?

Y/n tried hard to convince Jimin to not give him the injection, she told him that it stops his brain from thinking normally, that it had negative effects on him.

But he didn't listen while he knew all of this shit well, but he couldn't not. After seeing Jungkook clutching on y/n's neck, trying to kill her, he can not let something dangerous happen which will lead to something unwanted.

Jimin couldn't believe his eyes at that moment, he didn't want to anyway. Y/n was about to get killed by a chained prisoner.

Just how the hell could he do it?

Before Ink was injected, he tried to block Jimin and stop him this time. He pushed Jimin at first as he laid on the floor, hitting his back due to the huge force of jungkook.

But with the interruption of the rights guards, Jimin released his wish.

Jungkook didn't sleep after it, he just sat down looking at cameras in the corner of his cell, with his cold empty eyes.

Y/n watched as his piercing eyes looked directly at her, it was like he was speaking to her, through his eyes.

Asking for her help.

Was he the same boy who acted roughly just a moment before? Or was it just her imagination?

She shook her head, right to left as she put her gaze on the cameras for the nth time this night, and she met the same cold eyes, the same speaking eyes.

Jungkook couldn't sleep that night, he kept just changing his status from a corner to another corner of his cell.

The dark consumes but sleep still eludes, it appears it has divorced itself from him. He's sleepless at a time when rest is all he needs to refuel him to make it through one more day without thee.

Sleepless, how unfortunate.

The cold moves in only to meet the warmth of his blood, his defense against such ice. He feels it wash over his skin, again and again, only to be met by the beat of his heart, again and again.

Eyes that won't close. A heart that won't stop its beating. The dark space is endless in this spaceless prison. He wished to drift away into a never-ending dream, but dreams are only a memory in this hell of reality.

He simply wishes to sleep.

it was like 1:am in his cell, he still didn't find his right mind to sleep or take a small nap. letting his mind flow, and trying to make himself fall into slumber, he took as deep breaths as he could, but many just caught in his throat, like an icy wind had blown down there and managed to freeze the air solid. At that moment, he knew this was going to be a long night while it was already.

Jungkook glanced down at his bed, noticing the notebook y/n gave him that session.

In no time he begins to draw lines on those white cold pages, while his cold heart inks his heart out on it.

Whatever he was doing, it made him relax somehow.

And he liked it.

Clutching on his notebook, his eyes became heavy as it begins to close itself, allowing the night, the soon-to-be day, to wrap him with its blanquet, drowning him to a dark long sleep.


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