Steven Wishes That He Was Portuguese

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Steven: If only I was Portuguese.

Alan: You can't.

Steven: Sure, I can. All I gotta do is wish.

Me: You can't be Portuguese, Steven!

Steven: I should've been born in Portugal.

SkittishReflections: You're absolutely pig headed, Steven! You were born in Texas, in the United States Of America! You can't be born twice!

Steven: It would have been nice, if my parents lived in Portugal in 1981, and my mother would have given birth to me there! Then, I would been Portuguese!

SkittishReflections: No! Your parents were American! They weren't Portuguese! You would have still been born American, just in another country! Your parents did not come from Portugal! Were they even of Portuguese ancestry?

Steven: No.

SkittishReflections: Okay, then! You can't change your nationality, Steven! Be proud of what you are!

Steven: I hate being what I am!

SkittishReflections: Just stop being ashamed of your race!

Steven: There has to be a way, I can change my nationality from American to Portuguese! And, I am gonna do something about it!

sufiena1608: Dude, are you serious? There ain't no way!

Steven: Watch me! *goes online, and looks up ways to become Portuguese*

SkittishReflections: *laughs* He's just making a fool of himself! He ain't gonna find anything online to help him change his nationality! He's gonna have me in hysterics in a minute!

Me: *laughs* Same here, babe!

Trevor: Get off that computer, so I can beat you up!

Steven: No! *tries to look for some ways to become Portuguese to no avail*

Trevor: *unplugs the computer*

Steven: Hey, what the heck?

Trevor: *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

This story was written on Sunday, May 2nd, 2021.

A/N Steven wanted to be black, and now Portuguese?? That's ridiculous! Moral of the story, be proud of what you are, and never change yourself for another race! It doesn't work like that! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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