Out Of Cheese Doodles

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Julie was having a snack. She was eating some cheese doodles. They were her favorite. She ate them, while watching a cartoon about a duck that was pretty funny, and ate them outside on her chair.

Julie ate all the cheese doodles. There were no more. What was she supposed to eat now? Some pebbles? Julie thought about that for a minute, but she didn't think the pebbles would taste good.

Not knowing what else to do, Julie fell asleep. She had a dream, that there were no more cheese doodles in the supermarket. The shelves were empty of them. Julie felt sad. Cheese doodles were her favorite snack.

Her older sister, Nadine, woke her up from her nap. "Little sister, I got you some cheese doodles!" she exclaimed.

"Yay, cheese doodles!" squealed Julie. "Thank you, big sister!"

"You're welcome, enjoy!" said Nadine.

Julie ate the cheese doodles. She was now happy.

This story was written on Wednesday, May 5th, 2021. (Cinco de Mayo)

A/N Seems like Julie can't live without her cheese doodles! She really loves them! A perfect story for kids! ❤❤❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks

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