Ladies First!

22 6 8

Jerry's Pizza

South Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Nathan: *opens the door and doesn't hold it open for Shayla*

Shayla: How rude!

Me: *opens the door and holds it open for Shayla* After you!

Shayla: Thanks, babe! You're such a gentleman!

Me: Of course! *still holding the door open*

Magical_Taylor: Thank you! You're such a sweetheart!

Me: Of course! *still holding the door open*

SkittishReflections: Thanks, sweetie! You're a true gentleman! Unlike that skunk Nathan!

Me: Of course! *heads into the restaurant*

Time skip.......

Me: *eating my pizza*

SkittishReflections: *eating her pizza* The tomato sauce on this pizza is so good!

Me: It sure is! This pizza place was founded in 1968!

Magical_Taylor: Interesting! *eats her pizza* I'm definitely coming back here!

Nathan: Can't believe the waitress served me last.

Shayla: That's because you went inside, without holding the door open for us ladies!

Nathan: Can't believe you actually told her!

Shayla: I had too! You're so rude! *eats her pizza* Man, this pizza is delicious!

slxtNxtd00r: Come on, Nathan! Eat!

Nathan: Where were you?

slxtNxtd00r: I just showed up late, okay? Had to take care of some business. *eats her pizza*

Nathan: *eats his pizza* I better be served first next time.

Jean The Waitress: No, you'll be served last! I'll remember you!

Nathan: Darn it!

Shayla: *high fives Jean* Yeah!

Jean The Waitress: *high fives Shayla*

This story was written on Saturday, May 15th, 2021. (Armed Forces Day)

A/N Ladies first, Nathan! You're not a gentleman at all! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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