Kirsten Dunst Wrestling An Alligator

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Kirsten Dunst: I see you, alligator!

Alligator: *sees her and tries to get away*

Kirsten Dunst: Where do you think you're going? *grabs the alligator by his tail* You're dead! *wrestles the gator*

Alligator: *being wrestled*

Kirsten Dunst: *kills the alligator with a knife* Victory!!

Alligator: *dead*

Me: That was impressive, babe!

Kirsten Dunst: Thanks, love! *blows me a kiss* See ya! *drags the dead alligator to parts unknown*

This story was written on Friday, May 28th, 2021.

A/N Kirsten Dunst is one my favorite celebrities! I loved her in Jumanji! ❤❤❤❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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