Aaron Got Splashed

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Aaron: *walking*

Girl: *throwing water balloons at her brother*

Boy: *tries to throw some back at his sister* You are gonna lose this water balloon war!

Girl: That's what you think!

Boy: *accidentally throws his water balloon at Aaron* Oops! I am so sorry! I was aiming for my sister!

Aaron: *soaking wet* You idiot!

Girl: He didn't mean to!

Aaron: Watch where you're throwing that!

Girl: It wasn an accident, okay? Chill out!

Boy: Yeah, it wasn't my intention!

PresidentDuck: Dude, relax! Just stand under the sun, so you can dry off! *quietly laughs*

This story was written on Tuesday, May 18th, 2021.

A/N Aaron, it was an accident! It wasn't his intention at all! Just let it go! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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