The Boy Who Cried Wolf Reference

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Emma: I'm dying!!

Clyde: What?!!

Emma: Joke! Ha ha!

Clyde: Not cool! You need to see a psychiatrist!

Emma: No, I don't! Shut up!

Magical_Taylor: Emma, have you ever read The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Emma: No. Should I have?

Magical_Taylor: Well, it's about a boy that keeps crying wolf, and this man keeps getting fooled everytime. So, when he cries wolf again, the man doesn't believe him. Sorta like those death jokes you keep playing. No one is gonna actually think you're gonna die. And, I want you to cut it out.

Emma: How many times do I have to tell you guys? I was only joking!

PresidentDuck: I'm not laughing. No one is. It's only fair to warn you, that you can lose a lot of friends that way. So, my advice to you, stop.

Emma: I can joke about dying if I want to.

SkittishReflections: Emma, you should see a psychiatrist. You're messed up in the head.

Emma: I don't need to see a psychiatrist.

Alan: Apparently, you do. Who thinks it's okay to joke about death? Damien doesn't like it when people joke about dying! It triggers him!

Emma: I don't care!

Alan: Jerk!

SkittishReflections: Agreed! How would you feel if you joked about dying, then ten minutes later, a friend of yours died in a car accident? How would that feel? Pretty ironic, huh? And tragic.

Emma: Stop! Enough!

Clyde: Hey, you're the one that started this whole mess!

Magical_Taylor: Exactly!

This story was written on Friday, May 21st, 2021.

A/N Tough love for Emma! The Boy Who Cried Wolf is quite the reference, indeed! Next time, someone jokes about dying on Wattpad, I'll ask them: Have you ever read The Boy Who Cried Wolf? That'll shut them up! It'll be a slap in the face! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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