Emma Save Some Pizza!

11 4 6

Thomas St

Middletown, Connecticut

Regina: This pizza is from Empire Pizza! *eats it* Delicious!

Emma: *getting 8 slices*

Ken: Emma, that's enough! Leave some for the rest of us!

Emma: Sorry!

slxtNxtd00r: Pizza hoarder!

Emma: Shut up!

slxtNxtd00r: No, you shut up!

Emma: How about I........

SkittishReflections: Emma, I got the pen right here! Don't make me suck you into it!

Emma: Fine! *sits down and eats her pizza*

Me: *eats my pizza*

Magical_Taylor: That bad boy sure will come in handy! *looks at Emma*

Emma: What?

This story was was written on Saturday, May 29th, 2021.

A/N Emma, 8 slices of pizza is enough! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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