Emma Gets Sent To The Principal's Office

14 4 12

Middletown High School

LaRosa La

Middletown, Connecticut

Emma: *shoves a girl into a locker*

Girl: *from inside the locker* Help!!!! Someone get me out of here!

Brandon: Emma, get her out of there!

Emma: Shut up! I'm going to lunch! You coming, Brandon?

Intercom: Emma Diaz, please report to the principal's office!

Emma: I ain't going! I'm going to lunch! *heads towards the cafeteria* I wonder what's on the menu?

Hall Monitor: Come with me! *grabs Emma by her arm*

Emma: *trying to pull away* I was going to lunch!

Brandon: Ken is not gonna be very happy! *heads towards the cafeteria*

Magical_Taylor: *opens the locker, so the girl can get out* You okay?

Girl: Yes. Thank you for getting me out.

This story was written on Monday, May 24th, 2021. (Victoria Day, Canada)

A/N Emma really did it this time! The school year is about to end next month, and she's acting like this! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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