You're Sitting In My Seat!

12 3 4


Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Aaron: *gets some nuggets, a Baconator, and a large Sprite, and sits down at a table with someone's purse on it*

Woman: Excuse me, you're in my seat!

Aaron: I was sitting here!

Woman: I was sitting here, before you! I had to use the bathroom!

Aaron: *eating his food* Go sit somewhere else! I claimed this table now!

Woman: Move to another table, or I'll get the manager!

Aaron: Just sit somewhere else! *drinks his soda*

Woman: *sighs dramatically and takes her purse and food to another table*

Aaron: I won this round!

Woman: *gives Aaron a death stare from another table*

This story was written on Thursday, May 13th, 2021.

A/N Aaron is a jerk! That woman was sitting there first! 😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Short Stories Written By A Cool DudeWhere stories live. Discover now