Stormy Night Coming

11 3 10

Dover, Delaware

Lucy was getting ready to leave the Holiday Inn Express, where she worked as a housekeeper. As soon as she exited the hotel, something caught her attention. A flash lighted up the sky. "Heat lightning," said Lucy. "Could be in for a storm, soon. She got in her car, and drove home.

Another flash of lightning was seen. There was no thunder. A line of strong thunderstorms were headed towards Delaware. Kent County was under a Severe Thunderstorm Watch, until midnight. In the meantime, it was a warm and muggy night.

Lucy was now home, reading a book. A big clap of thunder made her fall off the sofa. Her heart was beating like a jackhammer.

"That was a big one!" panted Lucy, her heart still beating at a faster rate.

It was pouring, and the storm raged on. It was a stormy night, and Lucy had trouble falling asleep. It wasn't until 1 am, that the storms moved on out.

Lucy finally sank into a deep sleep.

This story was written on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021.

A/N What a stormy night, indeed! Stormy night in Delaware! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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