Nathan Is Dehydrated

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Nathan: I'm so thirsty.

slxtNxtd00r: Did you drink any water?

Nathan: Just soda.

slxtNxtd00r: You idiot! You will get kidney stones! Not even a drop of water?

Nathan: Nope. I feel so faint.

slxtNxtd00r: *gets him some bottled water* Drink up! You're dehydrated!

Nathan: *drinks the water*

slxtNxtd00r: You are gonna drink about 8 gallons of water! Stay away from that soda!

Nathan: Uh huh. *continues drinking the water*

This story was written on Monday, May 17th, 2021.

A/N Nathan, you're supposed to drink 8 gallons of water a day! Cut down on your soda intake! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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