Totally Rude

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Emma: Let me set the record straight. No one cares about your birthday, next Monday. I want to be very clear on that.

Me: Why are you saying this?

Emma: Just want to tell you. Plus, Memorial Day is on your birthday, and no one will wish you Happy Birthday. They will be busy, cause of the holiday.

Magical_Taylor: Emma, you better cut this mess out! Where do you get off on being so rude? I will wish him a happy birthday, and so what if his birthday is on Memorial Day? I won't be busy that day!

SkittishReflections: Emma, you better stop this nonsense! I care about his birthday, and so does everyone else!

Emma: I don't.

SkittishReflections: You're such a load of trash!

Emma: I hope no one wishes him a happy birthday.

Alan: And, I hope you shut that mouth, before I shut it for you!

Emma: Not one person better wish a happy birthday.

Magical_Taylor: Just cut it out!

This story was written on Monday, May 24th, 2021. (Victoria Day, Canada)

A/N I keep having these thoughts that no one cares about my birthday. Emma wants to make sure no one wishes me a happy birthday next Monday. And my birthday is on Memorial Day. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Short Stories Written By A Cool DudeWhere stories live. Discover now