Muting Is My Last Option

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Girl: I have died!

Me: Stop!

Girl: Joke!

Me: That wasn't funny! I am triggered now!

Girl: Chill out, I'm fine!

Me: *mutes her*

Girl: *is muted* What the? Did he mute me?

Wattpad: You cannot reply to this conversation.

Girl: All because of my joke about dying. He needs to grow up.

Magical_Taylor: No, you need to grow up. Death isn't a joke.

Girl: Can you ask him to unmute me?

Magical_Taylor: No.

This story was written on Tuesday, May 25th, 2021.

A/N I won't hesitate to mute anyone that jokes about dying. I am sick and tired of it. Stop triggering me with these death jokes! 😡😡😡😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Short Stories Written By A Cool DudeWhere stories live. Discover now