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Emma: I think I am gonna die!

Me: What?!

Emma: Someone plan my funeral!

Po_writing1: Oh no!!

Emma: Joke! I'm fine!

Me: See what you did? You triggered me, again!

Emma: Dude, it's okay. It was a joke.

SkittishReflections: Emma, you need to understand that it's not always appropriate to joke about stuff like that. Some people get triggered real easily. There are boundaries, you know.

Emma: It was a joke! What part of that, do you not understand? Get over it!

SkittishReflections: You're missing the point, Emma! Some jokes are appropriate, and some are not appropriate. This is like the second time, you joked about dying. Think before you speak.

peterwendypan: Exactly! People like you, need a brain transplant! Let's get Damien a pizza, to make him feel better!

Emma: I want pepperoni!

peterwendypan: You're not getting any!

Emma: You guys are a bunch of losers! I was only joking!

Steven: Just be quiet, okay?

Trevor: Exactly.

Emma: Shut up.

Trevor: *beats Emma up*

Emma: *getting beat up*

Magical_Taylor: You gonna be okay, buddy?

Me: I think so. May has been so bad for me.

LOYALBABY_: Don't worry, babe! It'll get better! *blows me a kiss* Let's get you that pizza!

This story was written on Wednesday, May 12th, 2021.

A/N When people choose to joke about dying with me, it triggers me! Why can't people be more sensitive? Joking about dying is not really appropriate. There are boundaries. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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