Emma Stop Doing This!

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Emma: Oh no! I'm having a heart attack!

Alan: Oh no! Someone call 911!!!

Emma: Joke!

Magical_Taylor: Cut that out, Emma! It's not funny!

Emma: It was a joke! Lighten up!

Magical_Taylor: You are starting to become a thorn on my side! Do I have to tell you about The Boy Who Cried Wolf again?

Emma: No.

Magical_Taylor: Then, you better cut it out, if you know what's good for ya! One day, when you really are having a heart attack, no one will help you!

Emma: Oh.

Clyde: You're such an idiot, Emma.

Me: Agreed!

SkittishReflections: You're on thin ice, Emma! Your jokes are gonna cost you a lot of friends!

This story was written on Monday, May 24th, 2021. (Victoria Day, Canada)

A/N Emma is hanging on by a thread! If she keeps joking about things like that, she will lose a lot of friends! As I said before, there are boundaries. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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