Forgetfulness Look Before You Cross The Street!

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Forgetfulness: *sees the pizzeria across the street* I'm gonna get pizza.

Drivers: *driving in both directions*

Forgetfulness: *crosses the street without looking both ways*

Driver: *honking loudly* Get out of the way!!!!

Forgetfulness: Oops!

Driver: *gives F a death stare*

Forgetfulness: I had the right of way!

Woman: You weren't in the crosswalk, stupid! You could've been killed!

Forgetfulness: Sorry. *walks into the pizzeria*

Woman: What a moron. *crosses the street, using the crosswalk*

This story was written on Monday, May 1st, 2021.

A/N F, you need to look both ways, before crossing the street! You're such a bonehead! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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