Going To West Virginia On Thursday

19 3 17

Thomas St

Middletown, Connecticut

Ken: I will be leaving for West Virginia, Thursday afternoon.

Kyle: How come?

Ken: I have to take my friend, Raymond down there. His sister is very ill. She's in the hospital with cancer.

Iris: That's awful! Hope he'll get through this.

Andrea: Exactly.

Ken: I'll probably won't come back till Sunday, at the latest.

Alexis: Oh.

Steven: Where are you staying?

Ken: At a hotel, most likely.

Kyle: What street does your friend live on?

Ken: Walnut St.

Kyle: Ah, okay. Off of Silver St.

Andrea: Where I live!

Ken: Yup! Hope you guys behave yourselves, while I'm away. If a storm comes up, turn everything off. If you're outside, come back inside, right away!

Brandon: We're supposed to have thunderstorms on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Ken: Okay. If the storms are really rough on either of those days, turn everything off. I gotta check the weather forecast for West Virginia, so I'll know to bring my umbrella. Now, that I think about it, it might be hot down that way. Gotta pack some shorts.

Emma: Who is gonna cook me breakfast?

Ken: I am gonna get some cereal, okay? I don't want you using the stove, when I'm not around.

Emma: Okay.

Ken: What kind of cereal do you want?

Emma: Frosted Flakes, I guess.

Ken: Alright, and I'll get some milk. And, Emma, please don't act up in school, okay?

Emma: Okay.

Ken: Brandon, your mom is here. Time to go home.

Brandon: Okay, bye! Bye, guys! Have a good night! *leaves*

Everyone: Bye, Brandon!

Ken: I will make hotel reservations soon enough.

This story was written on Tuesday, May 18th, 2021.

A/N Ken will be taking Raymond to West Virginia, to see his sister. She is cancer stricken. Moral of the story is, keep your friends or loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. His sister is sick with lung cancer. Her name is Pam Moore. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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