Girl Giving Me A Dirty Look

17 5 7

Burger King

Cromwell, Connecticut

Me: *eating my Bacon King*

Girl: *walks in BK and gives me a dirty look*

Me: What you looking at me like that for?

Girl: Shut up.

PresidentDuck: Girl, leave him alone! He was just minding his own business! If you want to fight, I'll take you on!

Girl: I just told him to shut up.

PresidentDuck: You shut up, and get what you want! Don't worry, buddy! She ain't gonna say anything to you again.

Me: She gave me a dirty look.

PresidentDuck: I'll give HER a dirty look! Hold on! *goes up to her and gives her a dirty look* How do you like that? You give him a dirty look, I'll give you one back! Don't even say anything! Not one word. Get your food.

Boy: She settled her straight. *eating his nuggets*

This story was written on Saturday, May 15th, 2021. (Armed Forces Day)

A/N A girl kinda gave me a dirty look today, so that's why I wrote this. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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