Memorial Day Plans

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Carter: What's happening on Memorial Day?

Alan: A parade on Main St.

Trevor: I love parades!

Emma: Can we go to the beach?

SkittishReflections: Nah, I think the parade is a good idea.

Emma: I want to go to the beach.

SkittishReflections: You object? *holding the pen*

Emma: *sarcastic* No, Your Honor.

Me: You don't mess around, do you, babe?

SkittishReflections: Nope! That reminds me! Gotta get a birthday card for a very special cool dude!

Me: Who is that cool dude?

SkittishReflections: Wouldn't you like to know?

This story was written on Sunday, May 30th, 2021.

A/N This will be the best Memorial Day, ever! Emma wants to go to the beach, but the parade seems like a better idea! 😉 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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