Ken Packing For His Trip To West Virginia

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Ken: *packing some shorts into his briefcase*

Steven: You said you give me some money to order pizzas?

Ken: Right. *still packing* Two large pizzas. I already got the food from the supermarket. The canned goods. I don't want you guys using the oven, while I'm gone.

Steven: Okay.

Ken: Steven, get ready for bed. It's 1:13 am.

Steven: Shouldn't you get ready for bed? You gotta be ready for your trip.

Ken: Don't worry about me. I'm almost done packing. I'm gonna hug Emma, before she leaves for school, cause I'll be gone, by the time she comes home.

Steven: Right.

Ken: Iris, Brian, and Margaret will probably come, before I hit the road. *zips up his suitcase* There we go.

Steven: What about Ray?

Ken: I'm gonna pick him up, before we hit the road.

Steven: Okay. Have a safe trip, okay? I'll miss you.

Ken: Thanks, Steven. I'll miss you, too. Come on, buddy. Go to bed.

Steven: Alright, good night. Love you.

Ken: Love you too, bro. *goes to bed himself*

This story was written on Thursday, May 20th, 2021.

A/N Safe travels, Ken! Have a safe trip to West Virginia! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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