Nathan Is A Disgusting Freak

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Nathan: Want to see something cool?

SkittishReflections: Sure, I guess.

Nathan: Okay! *gets a Big Mac out of the McDonald's bag, drops it on the floor, and eats it* Ground beef? Get it?

SkittishReflections: I'm not impressed. Eating food that's been on the floor is nasty!

Nathan: Maybe for you, but for me? Anything to keep food from being thrown away! I'll probably eat some fries out of the trash!

Me: Gross!

PresidentDuck: You sick monkey!

This story was written on Monday, May 17th, 2021.

A/N Nathan is so gross! He doesn't impress me or anyone else with his shenanigans! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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