Thinking About Moving In The Summer

9 5 3

Highview Apts

Thomas St

Middletown, Connecticut

Ken: Guys, we might be moving to a different apartment this summer.

Emma: Where?

Andrea: Where might that be? Will it still be here in Middletown, or a different town?

Ken: We'll still be here in Middletown.

Andrea: Okay. There's Pondview Apts, just across from that church over there.

Ken: Yup.

Kyle: You guys could probably move into my neighborhood! Plaza Dr!

Ken: That's right!

Brandon: There is also the Westlake area!

Ken: Yes! We been here at Highview Apts since 2019. I think it's time, we moved somewhere else. Plus, this place is bringing back memories of Benjamin.

Emma: True. When would we be moving?

Ken: I would say sometime in July or August. I want to get that done, before you guys go back to school, again.

Brandon: Sounds like a plan!

This story was written on Saturday, May 8th, 2021.

A/N Better call the moving company, soon! Hopefully you can find a nice apartment to settle in! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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