Getting My Rage On!

13 4 17

Butternut Hollow

Middletown, Connecticut

Girl: *swinging on the swings* Whee!!!

Nathan: *pushes the girl off the swings*

Girl: Ow! *sprained her knee*

Me: *gasps, and rushes to the girl's aid and sees the bruise on her knee, and gives Nathan an angry look*

Threatening music plays......

Nathan: *tries to look innocent*

Me: *getting enraged, and roars like Jerry at Nathan*

Nathan: *turns yellow in fear and tries to run away*

Me: *catches Nathan, and slams him 3 times on the ground and smacks his face with the garbage can lid repeatedly*

Time skip......

Nathan: *bandaged up and treating the girls wound*

Me: *standing by with a baseball bat, still giving him an angry look and punishing him for hurting that poor girl*

Girl: *eating a bag of Doritos that originally belonged to Nathan*

This story was written on Saturday, May 8th, 2021.

A/N Wow!!! I got my rage on that time!!! How dare Nathan push that girl off the swings?! 😡😡😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Short Stories Written By A Cool DudeWhere stories live. Discover now