Emma Stop Playing Around!

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Middletown High School

LaRosa La

Middletown, Connecticut

Emma: *putting on a show for everyone by dancing*

Justin: Go, Emma!

Sara: Whoo, bust those moves, girl!

Brandon: Emma, you better get to class! You're gonna be late! And, why did you take your boots off?

Emma: So, I won't trip, while I'm doing my dance moves! *still dancing*

Mr. Smith: Get to class, all of you!!!! You, young lady, stop showing off, and put your boots back on!!! Everyone, get to class, before I write you all up!

Brandon: Glad, I left in a hurry. Mr. Smith doesn't mess around. *goes to class before the late bell rings* Leave it to Emma, to make a fool of herself.

Emma: *quickly puts her boots back on, and zips them up, and rushes to her class, but is late, since the late bell rang* Darn it! I am not gonna fill out a tardy slip!

Mrs. Buckley: Late again, I see? You know what to do, Diaz.

Emma: Uh huh. *fills out a tardy slip and sits down at her desk*

This story was written on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021.

A/N Emma is quite the show off! School isn't a playground! It's a place of education! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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