Melissa Does Doordash

11 3 4

5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Me: *cleaning the tables and chairs*

Melissa Hoon: *enters 5 Guys, wearing a white shirt, blue jean shorts, white knee socks, and white Reebok sneakers* I am here for pickup for Denise.

Damien West: Denise is here! *gives her two bacon cheeseburgers, and a large Coke* Here you go, Ma'am!

Melissa Hoon: Thank you! *sees me* Hi, Damien!

Me: Hi, Melissa! *cleaning a table* You doo Doordash now?

Melissa Hoon: Yup! Pretty cool, huh?

Me: Indeed! Take care!

Melissa Hoon: I will! *accidentally slips on the floor, and falls down on her stomach, dropping the food and soda*

Me: Melissa, the floor has just been mopped! Take your time!

Melissa Hoon: This is embarrassing! *gets up, and picks up her bag and leaves 5 Guys to deliver the food to Denise, who lives on High St*

Me: She be so clumsy, sometimes!

This story was written on Monday, May 17th, 2021.

A/N Melissa, please be more careful, next time! Don't keep your customer waiting! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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