Emma's Behavior At School

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Kyle: I gotta tell you about Emma.

Magical_Taylor: Shoot.

Kyle: I noticed lately at school, she keeps opening someone's locker, and putting some of her stuff in it.

Magical_Taylor: Why? Doesn't she have her own locker?

Kyle: Yes. The locker doesn't have a lock on it, and she uses that locker to store some of her stuff.

Magical_Taylor: Who's locker is it?

Kyle: No idea. And, Emma keeps giving the teachers an attitude. She hasn't been turning in her homework. And, she had the audacity, to kiss someone's boyfriend behind their back.

Magical_Taylor: Oh my gosh! That's messed up, dude! What's wrong with her? I'm starting to hate her.

Kyle: Exactly. She is a junior, and she is gonna be a senior, next school year. Class Of 2022.

Magical_Taylor: She shouldn't graduate, then. Not the way she is behaving. When do you graduate?

Kyle: Class Of 2024. I'll be a sophomore, next school year. And, during lunch, she tries to steal someone's lunch money!

Magical_Taylor: Okay, you know what? She has to stop! She needs to cut it out! She needs to be put in her place! Thanks for giving me the info on this Emma chick! If she ever tried to steal my lunch money, I would shove her into a locker, slam it shut, and put a lock on! Ha ha!

Kyle: Ha ha, yup! I'm Kyle, by the way!

Magical_Taylor: Nice to meet you, Kyle!

This story was written on Friday, May 21st, 2021.

A/N Kyle gave her the dirt on Emma Diaz! She is in for a world of trouble! She may not even graduate next year, if she wants to keep going down this path! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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