Melissa And I Doing A Staring Contest

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Me: I challenge you to a staring contest, Melissa!

Melissa Hoon: Bring it on! You're going down!

Me* stares at Melissa*

Melissa Hoon: *stares at me*

Me: *still staring at Melissa*

Melissa Hoon: *still staring at me*

Me: *still staring at her*

Melissa Hoon: *still staring at me*

Me: *still staring at her*

Melissa Hoon: *still staring at me*

Me: *still staring at her*

Melissa Hoon: *still staring at me*

Me: *still staring at her*

Melissa Hoon: *blinks* Darn it!

Me: Ha ha, I won!!!

Melissa Hoon: I guess you did!

Me: Yep! Love you, Melissa!

Melissa Hoon: Yeah, love you, too!

This story was written on Monday, May 3rd, 2021.

A/N I beat Melissa in the staring contest!!! Victory!!! But, I still love her! ❤✨ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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