Leaving West Virginia

11 3 4

Holiday Inn and Suites Downtown Parkersburg

Emerson Ave

Parkersburg, West Virginia

Ken: *putting the suitcase in the trunk of his car*

Ray: *putting his suitcase in too* Ready to hit the road, man?

Ken: Yep! *gets in the car* We should be back home around 8 or 9 pm.

Ray: Yup! We'll probably stop to get food, somewhere in PA.

Ken: Yep.

Ray: *gets in the car*

Ken: *puts in Ray's address in the GPS*

GPS: *female voice* Turn right onto Emerson Ave.

Ken: *drives out of the hotel parking lot, and heads for the interstate*

This story was written on Sunday, May 23rd, 2021.

A/N Have a safe trip back to Connecticut, fellas! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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