Trouble On The School Bus

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There were a bunch of rowdy kids, acting up on the bus. Jodi had about all she can take of their unruly behavior. The rowdy kids were Samuel, Ronald, Elizabeth, Melanie, Shaun, Ollie, Crystal, and Brittney. They always caused trouble. They fought a lot.

"Your mother is fat!" said Samuel.

"Well, your father is fat!" said Ronald.

"They need to lose weight!" said Elizabeth.

"Fat cows!" said Melanie

Samuel's cousin is fat!" said Shaun.

"That girl up front is fat!" said Ollie. "Not as fat as Samuel's mother!"

"She a bit chubby, yeah!" said Crystal.

"She has freckles on her face, too!" scoffed Brittney. "No wonder, she's so ugly!"

"You better stop talking about my dad!" warned Samuel.

"Well, you better stop talking about my mom!" Ronald shot back.

"Enough!" yelled Jodi. "I want you kids to knock it off, or I am gonna write you up!"

"Shut up!" snapped Crystal.

"That's it, I'm writing you up!" barked Jodi. "And, leave Alex alone! She may have freckles on her face, but that doesn't make her ugly at all! And, for your information, she isn't chubby at all! She's a healthy, skinny girl!"

"She eats too much pizza, that's the problem!" said Melanie.

"I'm writing you up, too!" snapped Jodi. The fiasco on the bus continued. As soon as Jodi arrived at the school, she marched into the principal's office, and told him about the behavior she had to put up with by those kids. He called all of their parents, and they all got in trouble. Especially, Crystal and Melanie. They lost recess time.

Alex was a good student. She never bothered anybody. She was mostly quiet. She often sat all by herself at lunch, and swung on the swings alone. She was the only student that behaved on the bus.

She never got in trouble at school or at home.

This story was written on Monday, May 10th, 2021.

A/N Kids acting all rowdy on the bus, have no respect! It's not fair to the bus driver! Or anyone else, that is not involved in the fiasco! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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