Cooking Her Breakfast In The Morning

8 3 5

Thomas St

Middletown, Connecticut

Ken: What do you want me to cook for you for breakfast, tomorrow morning, Emma?

Emma: I want Burger King.

Ken: No, I'm cooking you breakfast. No BK.

Emma: I want BK!

Ken: I am gonna argue with you, Emma! Tell me what you want for breakfast! Something I can cook for you!

Emma: Pancakes, I guess.

Ken: Okay. Bacon and eggs on the side?

Emma: Uh huh.

Ken: Okay. You better get to bed, now. You got school in the morning.

Emma: Can you get me BK, when I get home from school?

Ken: No.

Emma: Fine, whatever.

Ken: Here is your lunch money. Now, off to bed. Good night.

Emma: Good night.

This story was written on Sunday, May 16th, 2021.

A/N Emma, don't argue with Ken, okay? He is cooking you breakfast, end of discussion! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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