Authors Note

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I just want to make it clear that there are two separate endings instead of one official ending to this story (one for Alex and one for Matty) so no one is left disappointed. I love these boys so much and it's been amazing to create this love triangle between them.

Story Warning: This story contains mature content throughout

Overall Warnings (in no particular order):

Smut, Angst, Traumatic Events (not SA), Drug use, Sexual Harassment, Cheating, Emotional Distress...

And a lot of fluff and happiness too.


If you still want to read the story but are worried about which parts/chapters contain these warnings, please message me and I can let you know more information.

Important note: Please don't hate on either of the main boys in the story until things happen in the plot that give you reason to... I understand you may prefer one man to the other, but this story has been equally balanced (although it may not feel like it at times, I promise it has). It's going to be a longggg drama, so if you're along for the journey, you're going to see multiple sides to both of them.

The parts are long (like over 10k for each part) so I'm are going to be cutting each part into 2/3 sections x

Note: I (imagine-that-100) have written the majority of this fic but I would like to thank @ghostlightqueen for helping me with the plot and for the assistance writing Dance Little Liar and How To Draw/Petrichor x

Thank you so much for reading x

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