UGH! (20.1)

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A/N: HEY!!! Finally I get to share the new part with you!!!! Just so you know I've messed with the release dates of the iliwys singles and videos and for eycte for this one. So the dates are wrong for that but the songs are all there. I did make a change to one of the music videos though... Really hope you like this one, its a calm before a storm. I'm super excited for the next one. But for now, I can't wait to see what you think. Thank you a million for reading and for sticking with me, I'm slowly getting there aha x

~*~*~*~ 25th September 2015 ~*~*~*~

"What you doing here?" Matty walks into the boys kitchen which makes you jump and turn towards the door for a second.

"What does it look like?" You smile, noting it's just him and you nod back towards the worktop that's covered in your baking stuff. "I'm baking you lot some treats."

Matty chuckles at that and abandons his bags at the door before walking towards you, "Why in our flat though?"

"I finished work early and I was bored." You begin to explain as you pour the chocolate mixture into the shell of the tart that you pulled out of the freezer a few minutes ago. "Thought I'd come and disturb your afternoons but you were all out so I bought some stuff to entertain myself."

"Right," Matty chuckles, moving behind you and holding your waist as he does so he can get past to get to the fridge to grab himself a drink. "So, what are you making exclusively for me?"

You know he doesn't mean anything by holding your waist other than to balance himself and you as he passes you in the thin kitchen. But you pretend that you don't feel your heart jump a little at the feel of his hands on your waist.

Ignoring that feeling is something you should be used to after the last two months. You've spent a lot of time in each other's company, and on more than one occasion you've been alone with him and found you thinking thoughts that throw you back to years ago.

Frankly it scares you, so you've been ignoring it as best you can. You can't be having these feelings anyway and it scares you even more that you still get them every time you FaceTime Alex too.

You have a boyfriend for a start. You really need to stop thinking about what once was or about what could have been.

You have a boyfriend. His name is Brandon.

Sort yourself out Y/N.

"Fuck all, Curly," You scoff, glancing at him as he releases you and grabs himself a can of Sprite. You nod down to the chocolate tart you're making, "You can have some of this when it's done."

"No," Matty shakes his head, "Come on, what else have you made me, really?"

He knows you too well. You're a little selfish when it comes to baking, you'll make everyone else something to share and have a sneaky stash of something you've made for yourself.

You give in and tell him because you know he knows what you're like.

"I've made myself a few chocolate filled cookies and I guess you can pinch one." You hold one finger up at him and give him a stern look. "One, though, and no more."

Matty grins at you then and puts his can down as you move your now filled tart to a free space on the worktop to cool down. You're about to wash the chocolate filling bowl in the sink but the curly haired brunette of course dips his fingers into the mixture to try it.

"You're terrible. Just wait to eat it properly after tea." You tell him off. You're excited for him and the other guys to try it after they have eaten later.

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