Playing On My Mind (29.2)

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~*~*~*~ September 21st 2019 ~*~*~*~

Before you made friends with Matty again, life had been quiet and frankly, you fucking hated it. Not talking to either him or Alex left you bored a lot of the time because in any other circumstances where you were in contact with both of them, they always called you to tell you about anything and everything.

With both of them gone, you found yourself so bored. Now you were back in contact with Matty, he kept you on your toes again. You got texts and phone calls about the most random things that were happening on tour or if he just needed to ask you a quick question.

But in the quiet moments where Matty was busy, you couldn't help but think that they were usually filled by Alex.

It got you thinking that despite what happened between you and your other best friend, you would rather have him as a friend than no friend at all. You're not going to pretend that you now approve of his girlfriend, because you really fucking don't, but you would rather have him in your life and it be slightly awkward than not at all. After all, he put up with you talking about Brandon, you could put up with the mentions of Pauline.

Besides, you want to be the bigger person. You know that the both of you need to apologise for the manner in which you spoke to each other, and you're more than willing to do that.

However, that seems to be a totally one sided thing. Because everything you try and have been trying for the past fortnight ultimately fails, which has led you to your little breakdown today.

Because you've had no contact with Alex for so long, you had little idea of what he was doing since their tour finished early last month. Which means that's why you tried texting and calling Alex sporadically throughout today and when you were constantly left on read or your calls were declined, it made you upset.

Matt could see that Alex was distracted today, more than he has been usually but he hadn't questioned it. The band was offered a possible last minute festival gig over in Australia so they were practising in Matt's house in London.

Nothing had been announced yet so they were just running through a possible setlist to see if they wanted to do the gig or not. Matt just thought Alex's mood was to do with the fact he was still bitter about the fact the rest of the band had sided with you when they were told what happened.

The first time Alex saw them after it, he'd walked in and told them with a 'can you believe the nerve of her' attitude. Little did the singer know you'd left Alex's flat that day and gone straight to Matt's place in Sheffield.

All of the lads already knew and sided with you. It had been a little uncomfortable since that day but they got on with it like they always did when they were together and one of them was in a mood.

Matt didn't let his best mate spoil his time with his daughter. Amelia is here with them and whilst they were practising he loved seeing his daughter so happy watching them play and in the gaps between songs Matt let her have a quick go on the drums.

It brought a smile to even Alex's moody face but of course the smile didn't last long. Like now, during the 20 minute break they allowed themselves Alex just sits on his phone with a brooding expression.

It completely contrasts with everyone else's mood. And even the loud ring of the drummer's house phone doesn't even cause a raised eyebrow. The singer just stares at his phone blankly scrolling.

Matt answers the phone with a chipper, "Hello?" And everyone can hear the smile on his face and the joy in his voice.

But the smile on his face doesn't last long.

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